Sunday, July 23, 2017

Awaiting Blooms......

I am awaiting to see the bloom on this large hosta.  I moved this to the new garden and it did't lose a leaf. The Des Moines Botanical Center employees are on flower watch of a plant called "corpse plant.  It blooms every five to seven years and this plant has never bloomed. The plant is suppose to bloom durning night time so they are on watch by camera too. The public has also gone crazy over the coming event.   I will be anxious to see the result of rotting human flesh fumes being spread throughout the dome. If it opens up for only a short time, then they won't have to shut the place down.

This hosta was growing in a crowded location for a few years. When I moved some of it to an open location the leaves started to grow large. I was surprised that it had such large leaves but am glad I found out that it did have them. "Sum and Substance" is the name of some large hosta plants but I am to sure that this is it.

Another project that developed as we moved to the newer house. The piece is an old set of drawers with mirror that I restored 40 years ago. It had dark brown varnish on it and I took it off to find this color of wood.
When it was moved to the house in Woodward I took it apart, using the base in the dining room and just hanging the mirror on the wall above it.  The bracket stayed in the basement for all this time.

Hammering in the piece back together with the original nails and adding some glue, put it back together holding it with a clamp.

 My sons had a great grandmother Stevenson, who they hand never met. She lived to be 100 years old, spoke mostly Norwegian, and died in 1971. I did meet her a couple of times but was not able to really talk with her. I wanted the dresser because of its need and it was free. Removing the finish of dark varnish was fun when the wood underneath was revealed.  I did find the one wooden knob that had fallen off of the bottom drawer. The will be the final job to call it done.

My wife's friend at first wanted this for her tv stand and then decided she didn't want it. I brought it to the new place to give to her and then there is sat in the garage. It now has been recommissioned and placed  in our spare downstairs bedroom. We were just going to give it away a few months ago.

These are Big Boy tomatoes. I don't have a clue as to know when to expect them to be ripe. When they do, I will be glad to eat them. Usually I have never kept track of the maturing of these things as I would just plant them and wait for red colors to come. These were planted late so it may be a few more weeks before the turn color.

I have a lot of new colors of zinnias this year that I have never had before because I used brand new seed.  I went out to shoot photos of them last night and had to go back to the garden shed and get the bug spray.  The Japanese beetles were back eating on the leaves of the zinnias.  They also were eating on the larger marigold blooms and this time they were on the sage plants hanging out on the blooms of those plants. The green sage had bugs but not the purple sage.

It is Sunday and we are cooler today. I wish everyone to have a good restful day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. "rotting human flesh"? Yikes... We also love our many hostas on our shady acre. Several large sum and substance as well as another very large similar bi-color called Sagae.

  2. Good Sunday Afternoon, Larry & Della, Glad it is some cooler for you today. The hosta leaves are big and I know the bloom will be gorgeous.

    Thankful that you kept the dresser with mirror. It is a beautiful addition to the guest room.

    It must be rewarding to finish up these projects that you've wanted to get to for a while. When you first moved, it feels like you'll never have free time again! lol

    Have a nice new week.

  3. I had wondered about this one Zinnia, which appears white! I have never seen one like this. I have heard of this Corpse Plant. I would love to see it, but not smell it! So the camera is a good idea.
