Monday, July 24, 2017

First Day......

Another variety of tomato is showing off with its produce on the vine. I am ready for any one of my six variety to ripen soon. I have two different smaller varies including the cherry tomatoes and the smaller yellow pear-shaped variety. I had placed some hardy geraniums among the plants in the raised bed and I can see that I need to dig them up and move them where they can be seen. Things really did fill in with the tomatoes and herbs.

The Japanese beetles returned and I had to dig out the spray again. The neighbor lady told me that there are trees in our park that have been completed stripped of leaves by those bugs.

The robins like to sit on the back of my fake goose. It seemed to be handy while I was out taking photos and spraying bugs.
I have volunteer vines growing in my garden from the former owners garden.  I am thinking this is a squash of some kind. I hope the season last long enough for I can get something from this vine.
I am thinking cucumber but if it were a muskmelon I would be happy.  Again, it all started to grow late in the season so I am do realize that it may have been too late for them to mature any produce.

I am headed to the old place this morning.  I had to stay away for a while to heal up my aches and pains. It is cool this morning so I will go early and do those things that still need to be done outside.

I hope that everyone is cooling down today also.  Thank your for stopping by today.

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