Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday Morning......

It is a blurry shot of purple spike flowers that I inherited at the new place.  I discovered that when they get too dry, that they just lay down.  Once they were laying down, I added them to my list of things to water. Over night they are all standing again. Our part of the state has been declared to be in a drought zone now.  With all the spring rains, I would never have thought we would run out of moisture.  You can see by the grass that we are going dormant making it look like it were middle August in Iowa. I haven't looked up the name of the flower yet but I have seen them growing it other people's garden.

I need to remove the hanger from this petunia pot.  It is too hot on the deck to be sitting on the patio table and too hot to be hung.  I just need to get rid of the hanger option.

Our deck flowers are all now lined up against the sliding glass door.  That area stays out of the hot sun and we can view it from inside, as if we had a flower garden in the house. We have found we have had to live here to understand what grows and blooms where. The house being sited at a diagonal to the world is an all new experience for me.

Also living in the house helps us to know what areas that will never grow anything. It kind of goes the same way with hanging pictures and placing furniture. The lower level is clearing out and most of the paintings are hung.  There are still a few areas that we haven't made decisions on  furniture placement so the walls are not decorated.

The basket bunny sits in the entryway as an accent piece.  It escaped the dumpster one day and I am glad it didn't get tossed.  I gave this as a gift to my then girlfriend, now wife. The basket fits in with the wood bench and does seem to move from floor to bench as we see fit to place him.

Work continues in the basement, as dishes and things are getting placed into the different furniture drawers. The last two boxes are of my toy collection and that still sit unpacked.  I am wanting to add an extra shelf in the cabinet to help make more room for things.  I tended to have to stack things up and I would like not to do that this time at the new place.

I now have tomatoes on the vines.  The patio tomato was the first one to put out a real tomato.  It will have time yet to grow larger.  I have one kind of tomato that has pear shaped small tomatoes on it. That vine has little ones all over it right now that look like tear drops.  They need to grow larger.

I am so pleased that I figured out how to get the bracket for the flag attached to the house.  I took another photo as the first one I took earlier  showed the flag off in the distance.  I like that I can pull it in on rain days as it hangs to the right of the front door.

It is hot again today.  We cooled off to 79 degrees F. by morning and we will get up to the upper 80s.  That is cooler than yesterday by 10 degrees. I have an errand to run, up to the old house this afternoon and hopefully we will get to eat out tonight. I hope everyone will have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good Afternoon, I really like the rabbit basket. John gifted me a basket for Easter before we married and I still have it for sentimental reasons.
    I believe the tall purple plant is liatris. I am not a know-it-all.....I am probably the last person on earth to have purchased a computer and I spent evenings pouring thru flower catalogs! lol That is how I memorized plant names. lol
    We enjoy our flag off our deck. We have a solar light on it at night and it is very pretty to see it in the breeze.
    I hope you enjoy your dinner out.

  2. WE are hot here and must water potted plants.
    What fun seeing all your surprise flowers.

  3. You are so correct Mildred. I just have never had the plant so never learned its name. I see some people call it blazing star or gay feather.
