Sunday, July 9, 2017

Seventh Day of the Week......

I remember buying this bulb years ago of the pink lily. We were at a flower show and stopped at a table that was representing a day lily club. The couple were so excited about the flower and were so pleased to sell me one of their own. I received instructions about planting it from the guy and the two were nice about promoting the planting of lilies.  I may have to dig this one to foster that memory for a while longer. I worked with a women at school who belonged to the lilies group and she said they had garden tours all summer in the central Iowa area.

This is another shot of the top of this chest of drawers.  I keep putting things on top of it and then decide to place in a drawer or shelf somewhere. Half of the things are put away now and the glass lidded canister is going to be gifted to my wife's friend.  I am planning to hang antique art pieces in the nook of where the chest is sitting. I am thinking my glass kerosene lanterns would look good here once everything else is distributed.

The tea leaf plate is one from a box stored in my Grandma Brooks house out on the farm.  The baby dish is my wife's that was used to feed her when she was very young. The painted plate is one of my wife's cousin's hand painted plate.  The plate with Jesus is from my wife's family home. The collections still sits on a box waiting for me to put them in a drawer.

It is going to be another hot day here in Iowa.  The humidity is 87% already which will make it worse as we warm up to 93 degrees F. I hope all of you are well and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is a pretty pink lily.

    I enjoyed seeing your treasures. Your wife's baby plate is very special.

  2. Glad to see your lily's,
    We are not as hot here surprising, for July.
