Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Stuff I Share.......

Our new place allows us to keep track of the weather. We have a sliding glass door and two floor to ceiling windows on the same wall. We get a panoramic view if all the shades are up and curtains are drawn.  While watching tv in the evening I amusing watching clouds formations looking for that perfect shot. Last night we had a lightening storm that gives us your own fireworks show.

My large jade plant went bad on me.  I never really know what happens to them but I can't keep them alive as a large plant.  I do like how the new starts are doing in this pot, out on the patio. The sun makes the leaves have a reddish glow which I really like to see. It is out there because I never brought it in after the move.

I am making plans to buy new lily bulbs and get them planted for next year at the new  place.  I will leave the ones behind and just start over with them.  I don't know if future owners will even want to have any flowers.  Lots of people clear everything off and want just green grass.

The one glass jar of lilies gets moved out on the deck periodically.  This stargazer bloom is so strong smelling that it is almost overwhelming. I like having them in the garden as the make the whole garden area to have such a great fragrance, even far way from the plant.

The former owners and my neighbors to the northwest are serious vegetable growers. They have these screens made to surround their gardens to keep the rabbits out of them.  I am using mine to cover the sunflower starts.  I see birds, robins, like to snip off the tops of the new plants leaving an empty stem.  I had a row of sunflowers and it looks like now I have only three. More seed has been planted but I think it is too late to get them planted. I have no vegetables planted so I will not be using the screens.  Maybe next spring I can get my lettuces planted and radishes too.

I guess these must have been the last year's Easter lilies.  I have one still in a pot that I could plant with them to add to the group.

Taking it slow and easy is on the top of my list. My hands keep flaring up with joint pain and the letter S is hard for me to type today.  I wish everyone to have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sorry your hands are giving you pain. Those screens are very nice for protecting plants. Two times after selling former homes, the new owners installed a swimming pool and dug up/threw out all our plants!!! I know they "paid" for the plants, but I sure wish I had them! lol
    Take it easy and enjoy your pretty deck/furniture.
    I love the clouds in your photos.

  2. Taking it slow and easy is good by me too!

  3. Such lovely flowers! Love those helpful screens...we have to worry about critters destroying our plants around here! Beautiful sky shot!
