Saturday, July 8, 2017

Saturday's Report......

The unpacking continues and we are getting close to running out of boxes to unload.  One box still sits there that was labeled "Old Glass" buffet.  I suspect the warning of what it was helped assure us that the person carrying it would be careful with it.  Some things still don't have a place to be.  The teapots sit on the table and the bean pot has yet to find a place to be stored. Art tables have been set up but they can't really be placed until everything is put away.

 These things have all found a drawer to occupy.  Plates and other flat items are easy to put away as they can be stacked. The box they are sitting on has "toys" scribbled on it. Two boxes of antique toys and cars are to go into their cupboard and that will happen soon.

My old cupboard that originated as a Seth Thomas clock is now mounted on the wall.  The things in and on it really are not what I had in it before. Things seemed to get shifted and I think I can find them in shelves upstairs.

I moved to the new place the remains of another Seth Thomas clock.  I have the original front piece and the frame for the clock.  The back is in parts but I can get it to work.  It won't ever be a clock again but I can make it into a cupboard, similar to the one I already have.  It will look a lot different as that door has two glass panels in it and the original knob. The one on the wall came from an old furniture store which held small containers of varnishes and stains. Most things in it originally probably had not been used for 30 years as the kind of furniture changed and the finishes were not all dark varnishes that covered up the wood grain and wood's original color.

We found our "Indian Tree" plates yesterday as we unpacked another box.  We bought Chinese food last week and wished we had these plates to use.  They really have an Asian look even thought they were made in England and could be found in early American homes.  We visited a house that was a museum while in Denver and these plates were set out on the table showing what the people in the house for everyday use. The old fashion walnut table they were on matched the one that I have in the basement.  It was my Grandmother's.

I snuck in a morning of mowing at the old place before going to the bookstore today.  I took up my powered driven mower in my truck and used it to mow down very tall grass.  It was sure easier to use that powered mower than the old push type that was at the place. I don't put so much wear and tear on my arthritic hands when I can just follow behind the mower instead of pushing it.  The old place has been getting a lot of rain so the grass was very green and tall.  When I return to Ankeny, everyone has dried out spots in their lawn.

The day is a little bit cooler but it is still hot.  I hope everyone is safe and inside today doing what they like to do.  Thank your for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I admire the donkey planter. I also like the juicer pitcher. I think you two have made remarkable progress with unpacking the boxes. It will be nice to reach a point where you can just relax and enjoy your new space!
    It is very hot/muggy here today. We are beginning to long for fall weather but we know it is a ways off yet! lol
