Wednesday, August 9, 2017

As the World Turns.......

The moon was among the clouds last night peeking through with a lot of bright light.  I was surprised to see it still up there this morning but located closer to the western horizon.

The sunrises at the opposite end of the earth  is giving me a true pink sky. I guess I should buy a three story house so I can see more of the horizon.

I shared on my other photo blog of the surprising bloom on my back patio post.  It is a volunteer vine that didn't show up until a few weeks ago.  One bloom a day so far but maybe today I will have two blooms at the same time.

My Minnesota rock sits on the table as a decoration from nature. The sculpture is suppose to be hung but it hasn't been done yet.  It may just stay there until winter.

I am headed to the old house today to check in on the start of the shingling job going on there.  The heat wave slowed down the roofing company so they are a few weeks late getting started.  I will be glad that in two days the old house will have a respectable-looking good roof. I still have a building project going on in the basement.  I am making an art taboret from some leftover shelves of an art cabinet.  There were more shelves than needed to store my wife's artwork so I had to make something with them.  They shelves were laminate white and will work good enough to make me a work station next to my drawing table.  Photos will come soon as I am close to being done with it. We will be running an errand this afternoon and stop by for "free pie" day at Baker's Square. Life really is good when the pie is free.

Thanks for checking in today.  I hope all is well with my blog friends. 


  1. Larry, I can identify with you comment about having to go to your other house to check on projects as we just returned from checking on our VA house and yard projects there. Luckily, your former house is much closer than ours which is 10 hours away. Is your place listed for sale or are you waiting until repairs are done?

  2. I was wondering the same thing as Beatrice P. It sounds like you are a very busy man too, so many things to get done !

    You seem to be enjoying your new home. One of the things we love about our new home is the view of the sunrises and sunsets from our deck. And we seem to every bit as busy as you in settling in. It is wonderful to have a place to live you love !
