Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Reach for the Sky....

The sunflowers keep growing and eventually we will see buds and blooms.  They were planted late but there seems to be plenty of season left for them to bloom.

The variety is called "mammoth" and they really do get large.  I will dread getting rid of the debris after if freezes, as now I live in a tighter, restricted city. I could have burned them at the old place. I will have to saw the stems up into two foot pieces and send off to recycle or garbage.

When we moved, we tried to keep track of everything by labelling boxes. My wife's art easel was taken completely apart by me and now I need to put it back together.  I had to look up the item on the internet to get a visual of what I was doing.  I ended up, with my wife's help, got it all together.

It really does look good again and all the joints are tightened up more than in the past. It doesn't wobble as much. Two of the vertical boards did end up being switched but they are the exact same board. One can see the wear and tear on the connection now with them switched.

This is a squash boom as I have seen yellow and green squash on the vine.  I have never grown or eaten any of that variety but I bet they all taste the same. Bake it in the oven with brown sugar and butter and it tastes really good.

More projects seem to pop up as others are finished. I have a small building project of using recycle wood to make and artist taboret. I don't have a pattern so I have to figure it out as I go along.  We are having a pleasant day today.  Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. What beautiful huge Sunflowers, and the perfect companion plant Zinnias.
    I bet that was quite a job putting the easel back together, I would end up with a few spare bits :)
    Cooler weather here, makes for perfect sunsets.
