Monday, August 14, 2017

Bone Dry......

We really do need rain. We are drought stricken after having a very wet spring. I try to water every day or day and a half to keep flowers and melons alive.

There was an opening in the clouds this morning.  I didn't have a clue that we would break into  a rain  session but we did.

The rain really doesn't count if it doesn't last over 5 minutes. The line of showers in Iowa was north of our I-80 and they did get good amounts of water. We had a sprinkle that did wet the deck for a few minutes. It should be done for the day now.  Sooner or later we will get back to normal rains in our area.

Barney is so much better.  I have been hinting to some bloggers that he was down, with his back legs giving him problems.  He refused to walk or get up on his back legs for two days.  In the middle of the night or early Sunday morning I could hear the patter of four feet working on the bedroom floor.  I got up at one o'clock in the morning  and immediately took him outside without any problems. He still favors that back leg but nothing is as bad as it was.  He has done this at the old house for a few days off and on the past couple of years. It is so difficult to work with him when he is like that.

Down the street after the slight sprinkle I can see the clouds that are gong to clear. We were at the bottom of that front and it is to be gone in another hour.

I am headed to the old house today. The front porch has some problems that I can help with in repairing but some of it will just have to be done by my roofer. My shingle guy is a former student of mine. We have known his parents the past 30 years and he has been in the business for 15 years now. I believe he foresaw the repair work on that porch roof and made the adjustments in the bid to cover it, but I do feel I need to do some work where I can do it. The newer parts of the house that are newly shingled look so good.

Summer is going by so quickly for us.  We have had a busy life and it seems we are so far behind with the old house. I remember when we worked on my parents house that it reached a certain time when we just said,"this is done." I am sure getting the house ready will be much the same way.

I hope everyone had a great day today.  Thanks for checking in on my post.


  1. Like the view of your street,we are getting rain here today.
    Guess Barney is like us some days you just hurt all over.

  2. Poor Barney, he and Chance have much in common. It is hard to see good dogs age :(
