Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunshine Today.....

My volunteer morning glories are meager in number of vines but the blooms are glorious.  Having not know they were there and having not weeded out the area, I allowed them to grow.

The photo was taken while looking down form the deck. I keep wondering how tall will they grow. They were planted late in the season but they seem to be doing just fine. The birds are hitting this area for a number of reasons.  The larger birds seem to be working picking off the bugs from the leaves and flowers. The finches seem to find parts of the flower to eat.

The patterns of the painted lady and the fuzzy body of the butterfly helps to make my photo to seem very blurry. The painted lady butterflies are flocking to the zinnias.  The zoom in quickly and leave quickly so having one stay still is rare.

I thank you for checking in on my post today. I hope everyone has a great day.


  1. What a nice surprise seeing the Morning Glories:)

  2. Your flower bed looks so nice, have a good day!
    We are about to get a down pour.

  3. Lovely blooms for a Sunday am, Larry, and thanks for your reply to my comments in a previous post. I also left a follow-up comment for you there.
