Monday, August 28, 2017

Making Monday Work.........

The earliest zinnias to bloom are now pretty much gone.  They look haggard and worn out but the shape is still fun to look at during its retreat. The wind took out a section of my zinnias causing them to lay side ways. As I mowed this morning,  I was surprised that I did not get out there and prop them up.  Maybe tomorrow I can give them a little assistance.

The newest batch of goldfinches are at the feeder.  This is the first time that this guy was at the feeder as he sat on the hook for a long while and then now is trying to pick at the string.  Eventually he did make it to the side of the seed sock but it was strange seeing him just sit there on the hook. I don't know how many batches that they hatch in a season but if they do two batches I would think this is the second round.

My wife was remarking as to how we cherished the vies of at least one goldfish at our old place but the new place is giving us continue traffic of finches.  I had not seen house finches for a while but just yesterday there were a couple of them feeding.

While out and about yesterday I happened to notice that the zinnias had bloomed with an orange and red theme in this one area.

Right next to the others is this color-schemed set of blooms. I know that I could not get this to happen if I tried.

After mowing the backyard this morning I spent time working with the house plants.  I don't have pictures yet but I finally repotted a plant that has been crowded out for a few years.  It is a cousin to the mother-in-law tongue only shorter and darker green. I ended up with five different containers of them after I made all of the divisions. The violets that are in bloom right now need to be repotted but I will wait until they back off with blooms. This violet shown here is a new one. I am such an addict to cheap violets.  I bought a white one earlier this month.  They do give the away after the bulk of the shipment is sold out.

What can I say, the new living room has windows that makes them grow and bloom. I have an older violet that has a stretched out stem that will get repotted this afternoon. I am hoping that it survives my digging and replanting it again.

I mowed the front of the yard yesterday and today I mowed the back.  We are getting dew in the morning and that is helping to bring back the dormant grass to green again.  I still have some dead looking please but to the most part it is evening out and coming back.

I did water the zinnias, sunflowers and melons this morning as they seem like they could use it.  We had good rains but I don't want things to get a chance to dry out.  While watering I found a rotten muskmelon.  I don't understand how it just becomes extremely soft but maybe some one stepped on its vine.  I did pick a muskmelon and pictures will follow on another day. My wife and I will never be able to eat six or seven melons so we will have to find some others in which to share.

All of the people that I know, or who are related, that live in Texas are good.  I know that being safe if best even if damage is existing. My wife and I both have relatives that live in the area and other good friends from blogs. I hope the rain will just quit now and give it a chance to all drain away from the land.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We used to have a feeder for the finches at our VA house and some days we would get quite a few of these colorful little birds.

  2. Your capture of the Hummingbird on the feeder is incredible !
    I know how difficult it is to try and get a shot of one of those tiny birds :)
    The Zinnias are beautiful, and hardy blooms.
    Always love seeing the Goldfinches, such busy birds, bobbing and weaving !

  3. Your ability to grow African Violets didn't change from one house to the next! Good for you...NO Violets left behind could be your nickname!!:)
