Sunday, August 27, 2017


I have memories of the old fashioned locust trees on the farm in southern Iowa. They were not a great shaped tree with lots of thorns.  The tree tended to shed its branches with the thorns on them.  They did have the same kind of leaves as this modern one has but their really is not any other good comparisons. The tree in my yard has no thrones and its bark is smooth. I was a little critical of it at first during the winter time as it seemed not to be such a great looking one but when it sprouted out leaves I changed my mind.

My flag is positioned next to the front door. It has the garage wall next to, making a corner,  thatcausing the wind currents to mess with the flag. I spend a lot of time unfurling it. Where it is located though makes it easy for me to bring it inside when it rains.

My wife has fond memories of her mom planting asters.  She liked them as the butterflies really like the blooms.  In most years, I have not seen them for sale any where.  I am assuming that it is because they are blooming right now in the fall and Walmart pots them and can sell them.  I got the very last one on the shelf, a few days ago.

I planted it in the front of the house crowding the petunias.  I just won't plant petunias there next year and will let this spread.  For some reason the entire front of the house is covered with red roses and this reddish petunias.  Maybe next year I can add more blues or purples to the color scheme. I removed some previous owners plants that were just wild flower types with lots of foliage and minimal white blooms. One I saved and others I tossed in the bin.

I had to grab another piece from basement storage to place and carry my just picked tomatoes.  i wasn't planning on picking but while out there I could see that they were ready. I at first end up putting all the tomatoes in my hands and against my chest.  Then when I realize that I will have to make three trips with tomatoes and camera.  In past years we would plant many tomato plants but this years six plants seem to be plenty.  Even though they were planted late we will have all that we need and still will give some away to friends.

The Knock Outs do look good but all three of them are red.  My neighbors have inserted another color in-between their red ones. I will leave mine alone and just work on the foreground colors to be different.

Sunday is a same kind of a day for us. We will get a meal after teaching Sunday School and be home the rest of the day.  It is a cloudy, with sprinkles kind of day.  It is typical y.. that happens when a hurricane hits the coast line.

Thank you for stopping by today. Have a great day.


  1. Your locust is a great-looking tree. Love the asters...there were a few available at Bi-Mart the other day and I am thinking of getting some.

  2. What pretty roses! :) I hoped the neighbors have welcomed you! :)
