Saturday, September 16, 2017

A Day Off......

The seed pods of this flower are so interesting to see.  I don't really understand why it needs al those projections on them. Do you know what flower that it is?

From the house I could see that the white clematis had put out three more blooms.  It is in the seed pod stage and bloom stage at the same time. The fly was not a planned part of the photo and would have brushed it away if I had seen it.

We don't like to eat much rhubarb but the three plants that I have just won't stop.  I watched a neighbor pulling it and promptly putting it his garbage.  It seems like a good solution. I dug one plant up completely to give away to a friend and I see that I didn't get it all dug out.  It now has grown up bigger and better than ever.

My neighbors to the northwest have taken an idea from my displaying of Canada geese.  I could see around the corner of there fenced flower garden area, the head of a Canada peeking around the corner. There knock out roses are coming back from the beetles and drought time. They have their entire area covered with rocks to stop a single weed from coming through.

My final photo to share is this zinnia.  It has the top center in focus and the rest of it is unfocused,  I didn't plan it that way but it does make for an interesting effect.  It is Saturday and I hope everyone is good.  Thanks from stopping by today.

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