Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday with Rain......

We definitely did need the rain that came in the night. We really had not had a rain for twenty days. My grass seed is now poking through the ground and I won't have to water it today. It was an inch and a quarter in measurement.  It must have been a hard driving one as the knockout roses look stripped down from the dead petals being removed. Petunias sure don't like that kind of rainfall either.

The knock out roses had taken another turn in blooming.  This is a shot from two days ago. It keeps me busy cutting off the dead blooms.

I cut these back in July, removing the buds.  I should have cut back further as I have blooms now that are at two different stages.  New blooms with the older faded blooms make it has a uniform uneven set of flowers.

For those who followed me for a few years, know that we ran a frame shop in our home for almost thirty years. This is an older folding leaf  table that is at the newer house. It is  to be used for cutting mats only. It is in our furnace room/workroom.  Our old counter for our shop was demolished.  The mat cutter is attached to the table so there will be no movement, hoping to have square cutting every time. We had worn the cutter out and I had to piece meal it all back together so we can still use. We cut our very first mat Thursday for a dog portrait that my wife was commissioned to do. It performed well of me making everything square.
It is sort of a normal Sunday for us except for one thing.  We are taking my wife's Sunday school class out for pancakes this morning.  They were offered a choice and the pancake place was their pick.  The girls are all tried generation children of Cambodian refugees from the Vietnam war era. They love Asian food but by third generation, they eat about everything other children do here in America.

The sculpture's personalized flower is looking unusual now with the volunteer zinnia sprouting out many more blooms. We have sunshine now after the rain and it all looks good outside.  We will stay cooler today with comfortable temperatures.

Thank you for stopping by today.

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