Thursday, September 7, 2017

Fourth Day of the Week......

The evening clouds were highlighted with the setting sun. The seem light and fluffy with not distinct purpose to give us any rain. The photo was cropped down as one neighbor has his dish sitting on the very top peak of his house.  It always shows up in my cloud photos.

Our living room looks out and down on the back yard. This is our view through one of our windows of the deck pole and the climbing morning glories. It was so cool yesterday that the glories stayed open most all of the day.  I didn't realize that it is the heat of the day that makes them close.

I mowed the yard way later after I took this shot. It is nice to have green grass again.  It is cool enough though that I may not have to mow it every single week.

A close look of all of the blooms. If you remember in my earlier blogs that I was only putting out  one or two flowers a day.

I was looking out today while I blog that I need one more big tree.  If I could fill in the left side, I would block a lot of the view from the neighbors house behind us. I really like where we live and I am use to it now with a row of house in our back yard.  It is the tradeoff we make to being able to live near to all the other positive things that we like. I am assuming after the first hard freeze I will be clearing all of the gardens in the back yard.

I need to get some yard work done today.  I want to buy fertilizer and also some bags of soil. I have a low area in the front yard that really doesn't need to be there.  I don't even know how it was left there. When the builders leveled off the yards they had to be creative.  Each yard is a stair step down from the next one.  My neighbor's to the southeast has a perfectly flat yard while mine is slanted down from the house to the sidewalk. As the yards were made going up hill some people really could put in retaining walls between the yards.

I have backed off with the photos of the zinnias.  I do still have them and will probably go out and get fresh shots sometimes.  All of them are starting to show the seasonal change. I have some iris and dallies that need to be moved out of the pumpkin patch and moved into a side gradem.  I don't have anything prepared for that so I will be just be thinking about that for a while. The former owner left me his tiller so I do have a way to create a garden next to the one fence.

I wish all of my readers to be safe today.  Between forest fires and hurricanes there is a lot to be concerned about today.  Do be careful our there.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your well wishes for everyone echo the sentiments of many of us, Larry. Glad to see that your sunflowers are doing so well. I have been buying some cut ones at the supermarket to have on our table and am surprised at how long lasting they are. We had rainy weather here twice this week.
