Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Good Morning World.......

It is time to mow the lawn again.  The rains from a few weeks ago really didn't change the grass much but the dew in the mornings that has been forming, has brought our dormant grass back to being green. The soil quality of the yard really is bad so some areas will probably never be green until next spring. I am thinking I will spread bags of soil in places, thinly, to try to counteract the clay that is out there.

The weather destroyed this chime years ago.  I kept most of the parts and recently rebuilt it. The weather had rotted out the circular piece of wood at the top and the pieces were scattered here and there in the garden next to the porch. I couldn't remember what the clanger was but I found an old small flower pot that works great for it  It is a clay pot and helps to make the sound more subtle. I used some of my dad's fishing string to put it all back together. I like the sound of chimes as long as they don't get over worked in high wind. Our neighbors at the old place had a large, low toned, one that was neat to hear at night when I walked the dog.

Another batch of goldfinch hatchling are now coming to the feeder. You can tell when they are young as they demand the parent to feed them from the pole in which the sock is hanging.  When the adult bird leaves the young bird goes down and joins the others to find seed. I don't think I will ever tire of seeing them.  I know it reminds me of the hoards of sparrows that use to hang around the feeder at the old place. The behaviors are all new for me to see as we only had one or two birds at a time then. I think the record is seven birds at one time when I refilled the sock.

I shared the two different locations as to where this vine was growing this spring.  I now share that I am not a happy homeowner as far as it is concerned.  It is a monster and invades everything. The previous own must have cut it down last fall to a very short vine as it is now overtaken the corner of the deck and the stairs. I have previously shared photos of its advance on the deck floor above.

The muskmelon seemed to turn on me.  I had harvested three of them and gave away two of them to neighbors.  I went back to get more and they had become too ripe.  They collapsed in my hands when I would try to pick them.

I do know the pumpkins re going to do well.  The leaves of all of the vines have the powder mildew growing on them.  I think I will just eliminate them as I think the pumpkins are good without the leaves. We have not had pumpkins for fall decorations but we can do that this year.

It is cold this morning but it will warm up by noon.  I have a few things planned to do but nothing major. It will be an easy going day today.  I do have my mat board cutting zone set up, left over from our  frame shop, that is needed to cut mats for my wife's pastel artwork. That may get cut today.  It is nice to have a large furnace room where I can set that up and leave it up year round. The mess of all of that will be hidden now. As one hurricane is going away another is arriving.  It really is something I remember as a normal back when I was a kid. I hope that this one is not as strong as the predict.  Everyone take care and thanks for checking in on my blog today.


  1. You sure have a pretty yard. The pumpkins will be so colorful for decorating. Glad you have a good place for cutting the mats now. We had a lot of rain and thunder overnight but it did clear off this afternoon.

  2. Great pumpkins! Sorry you lost some of your melons. The morning glories are lovely! How nice that you could re-work that wind-chime.
