Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday's Finds.......

 They are just white spots in the sky. I think they were snow geese. Eight or more of them flew over, not in formation.  They were hard to identify.  The bodies where too thick and moving too slow to be white pigeons. They didn't make a sound but seemed to be moving to a new location with water. Our lake is a good thing for migration but we also have lots of bayous around the area of the lake that makes a good feeding and resting place as they travel south. The herons and sea gulls are migrating right now as the fly through.

I mow like a farmer.  I helped mow a yard for a lady up the street at the old place. She informed me very firmly that I was not to mow it like a  farmer.  Right now I am tired, my time is limited and I don't care to have my yard looking like a golf course. My grass was very tall so it matted down when the wheels passed over it. I have nice lines making great patterns all over the yard. My neighbor guys would probably go back and mow it again in a different direction.

 The geese got a major move yesterday making us look twice when we gaze out our windows and see them.

My knock out roses are in transition again.  I have a mess of dead heading to do and maybe I will give them a chance to bloom one more time.  The cold weather is slowing things down so I can't really predict another round of blooms.

The green grass is so nice to see after the whole yard being dormant. Things are dying in the herb garden area but the flowers are holding their  own.

Project with a problem is still not drying. I was touching up spots with stain and decided I would just coat the whole thing.  Apparently the finish on it won't let it sink in and it won't dry.  Maybe later today I will wipe it all off. I am hoping I haven't created a big mess.  My wife said we can always paint it.  I will decide that this afternoon. I may wipe it with a cloth dipped in paint thinner.  Project results will be published when I get time to get to it.

I am off to the old place again today. If I were ten years younger, I would have been done with everything up there but no, it it taking a lot of time.  We are cold this morning but it will warm up again.  Have a great weekend everyone,  Thanks for stopping by at my post.


  1. Your grass looks nice. Very kind of you to mow the neighbor's lawn. Our flowers are definitely slowing down but we still are enjoying butterflies/hummers. John and I are like you; we just cannot accomplish as much as we once did. Earlier this week, I drove John to his Atlanta dr. (a 2 hr drive) and it just about killed us! It takes us a few days to recover! lol

  2. Your flowers are looking good. Ours are mostly dying now.

  3. I know how to mow like a farmer! LOL! Many times have I had to go back over and mow the whole yard again. But I love to mow so it doesn't really matter. My roses have stopped blooming because I didn't take care of them this year...everything suffered from neglect, but I was taking care of my mom. Your flowers are pretty. Have a great weekend!

  4. The flowers look wonderful and lush ! I don't mind your type of mowing ! Shoot, just getting it all done before one area needs it again is a major accomplishment for me anymore ! Praise the LORD for DONE !

    I'm so glad that Barney is doing better. It's so nice to have the company of a loyal pet ! Lottie is so nice to come home to !

  5. I mow like a farmer too! I had a product one time that took four days to dry, I finally threw it out resanded and did a different finish. It wa the finish that was supposed to be so tough you could skate on it! Not so much
