Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday's Tails and Tales........

Barney lays in the sun and begs for more treats. He is feeling so much better.  His back legs can be bad on certain days but he now is back to moving around without any assistance. Hearing his pitter patter of feet is a great sound as we went through times when he refused to try to get up and walk. This morning he was up and out with me and checking out the jogger going by him.  He isn't seeing very well but he is adapting to that. We try to keep him on a routine and every once in a while he breaks that routine. Last night he got up and went to the bedroom without waiting for me.  He is doing well.

Our guest bedroom is getting squared away now.  We could take in guests without question. We would have to rush and shove things in drawers.  My wife's dolls laid on the bed for about a month as we decided to place them throughout the house. The quilt was a wedding gift from my mom 33 years ago.  We really never had an opportunity to use it for display. I am not trying to find fault but my mom could have used some advice on its design. The pink square in the middle is so heavily quilted with great designs but that center color is too light colored.  Placing it on the bed gives us four spots of design on each corner. Traditionally it might have had a miniature star burst in the middle. I know that I have done paintings and looked back and wondered what was I thinking when I arranged things in the picture.

This is probably a reposting of a photo of the shelf above the bed. The whole room has a hall tree and hope chest with one antique dresser in it.  It is an antique guest room. We still need to decide on a couple of more paintings to hang on the walls.

The impatience plant has been getting transferred to the outdoors once in a while. I like giving it as much light as possible and rainwater is good for it too. It looks strange sitting out in the open but I tend to make sure it is getting enough water if I can see it immediately in the morning.

This is not my project and it is still fun for us to watch it develop.  When we looked at the house in the winter the house looked like it had been started last fall. On weekends process is continuing.  The young dad of two girls and the grandfather are out there continuing the project.  They put on a porch a few weeks ago and now have added a fancy cover over it.

The grandfather spent the past weekend putting on the trim boards on the widows. The young man did help apply some of the boards but he mostly cut them for his dad. I hope they put windows in the opening and the size does indicate that they will. They have left all of the wood out in the open all summer. I hope they don't run out of time to get it finished before winter.

If I can get the rest of the siding replaced and repaired by next week, we will find someone to paint the old house. This is not our old house but the color scheme on this one looks good to us. We are leaning towards a light grey with white trim.

We are looking at color schemes on out neighborhood houses and have gotten some good ideas.  If the siding was perfect on the old house I would choose  a greyed white with white trim. We also like the idea of a light tan that doesn't look yellow and doesn't look pink. We probably will go grey. Some of the houses are so boring with dark green with the same color on the trim.  It seems to easy to just not to choose a trim color.  Our house is a yellow that the vinyl siding company created.  I am good with that but it seems to be permanent unless we reside with wood.

I am taking a day of rest from doing construction work today. I don't like that my old body won't give enough energy for a five day a week schedule.  I do have tall green grass that I will mow today. Living in suburbia is sometime a pain, as I know that I should wait until Friday to mow so it will look good for the weekend. I really don't go with that philosophy.

Well another blog and another day.  I wish everyone well.  The weekend is coming and if you have special plans for that, it is almost here.  Thanks for checking in on my post. s


  1. Good Evening, So happy to read that Barney is better. Glad he has a sunny spot to enjoy. I always wanted a play house when I was a young girl. You'll have to keep us posted on your neighbor's play house.
    I do love the quilt your Mom made. Your guest room looks very inviting. I like the grey with white trim for your old home. Grey seems to be the "in" color currently. Two homes ago, our siding was permanent pale yellow. The one we live in now, we thought was grey but when we had to replace siding on the front, we realized originally it was darker beige and had just faded over time. That realization was timely, as we had a new roof put on this summer and we went with a dark brown to match the beige siding! lol Wishing you both a pleasant evening. Update on Ella: She had the endoscopy yesterday and the Dr. took a biopsy to confirm Celiac Disease. Will know more next week. Her parents shared a photo of her enjoying a grape popsicle afterwards...she did well and we thank you both for your prayers.

  2. Nice quilt! Mowed the lawn tiday and it was like cutting hay!

  3. It's been a busy week here, Larry, so blog posting and reading blogs has gone by the wayside -- until this morning. I decided to treat myself to catching up a bit while the laundry is being done. Glad to read that Barney is feeling better and sometimes we all get tired legs. Good luck on the color scheme for the "old house and grey is a fairly neutral color choice. Even though you would have done the design and colors a bit different on your late mom's quilt, you may also enjoy that it will be used now.

  4. Barney is looking good! Old dogs have their ups and downs. I think grey and white is a good color for your old house, a good choice. I bet you will be glad when you can call that old house done and ready for sale:)
    I love your Moms is beautiful!
