Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Get your ducks in line........

The morning glories respond to the sunrise,  opening up as soon as there is some light. The vine is putting out a lot of blooms this fall.  With colors like this I can always enjoy seeing them each day. My repaired set of chimes hang right next to it and they seem to be putting out a great sound in the gentle breezes.

The trumpet shape of these flowers have always amazed me. I remember them when a kid on the farm seeing the wild morning glories blooming along the corn rows.  I did try to pull them by their roots and tried to plant them back at the house. I was not such a smart kid but I did try.  The columbine that I collected as a kid I bet is still growing by the house today.

Some gardeners plant corn next to their vines so they can grow up into the stalks. I saw the vines were climbing the sunflowers and just left them alone.  I was out yesterday and I see the pumpkin vine is trying to make a pumpkin hanging among the vines. I doubt that it makes it to full maturity now but it will be fun to watch it grow.

I will wait longer now to clear the vines even though their leaves have a dusty powder on them now from some disease I am assuming. I have four or five pumpkins that I can probably cut loose now as they appear to be ripe.

The first to bloom are now moving into the"ducking heads" position as the seeds start to weigh them down. The furry stuff starts to fall off and the seeds can be seen.  When I start to see birds hanging upside down, harvesting their own seed, I will know it is time to bring them down.

 I am headed to the old house to do to do whatever comes first in my sight.  I am in the middle of a project at the new place, replacing, or should I say rebuilding, the stairs in the garage, that lead up to our kitchen.

They had steps with uneven heights.  One step was seven and a half inches tall. The next step was seven inches tall, and the third was seven and three-fourths high.  I have built a few starts in my life time and I know that it is necessary that all steps heights be the same. I have worked at a school where the top step was taller than all of the stairs.  Everyone would trip on that top stair. I have temporarily  the height of the three at the same height now but I need nails to put it all together.  If it were to be perfect I will need to build a surround platform at the bottom around them so they all will be exactly the same height.

I keep trying to get all my ducks and geese in a row but things keep coming up to mess me up.  These real, fake, ducks and geese, really are too large for this shelf. I have them there temporality as I solve the problem of finding a new place for them.  We are going to be hot today so I won't work long outside at the old place.  As things seem to be settling down from parts of the hurricane, the tropical storm seems to  keep invading the country.  We are expecting rain by tomorrow.  We really do need the rain but the very hot weather before we get it, will not be welcomed.  I shall shut this down now for today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love your beautiful morning glories! You have such pretty flowers. The sunflowers are tired now from holding their pretty heads up so long! Hope you aren't getting lots of rain from the storm. Take care.

  2. I have never seen Morning Glories of such an intense color! they are gorgeous! I like the way you describe the cycle of the sunflowers and the birds hanging upside down!

  3. Your Morning Glories are a treat for my eyes! :) Fall is coming on fast here, hot today but by the weekend we will be way cooler:)
