Monday, September 11, 2017


It is that time of the year again.  Take my advice and get them in the ground now.  It seems inconvenient to do it now but next spring you will thank yourself for getting them done. Our new property have a token few tulips so we are ow adding some more to the new owners' collection.

The fall colors are already showing in my zinnia patch.  There are a few maples that have started to turn also. I am hoping to keep things going in the flower garden for as long as I can.  Rain from the storm will come soon and they will get a natural rainfall to help them.

The seeds are being formed and the birds will welcome them.  The look of the sunflower gets to be more rugged as it matures. They are like living sculptures with a natural beauty no matter what stage that they are in at the time.

The honeysuckle vine is putting out one last set of blooms before the cold weather hits.  I am really pleased with this shrub as it has bloomed most all of the summer. The asparagus plants are in foliage right now putting out their seeds for the plants roots. You can see them on the right side of the photo.

The 16th year anniversary of 9/11,  2001 is today.  I could never forget and will remember the cause of the thousands of deaths.  Those who have a religion that chooses to kill people rather than convert them, can not be excused.  Tolerance does not apply when the enemy has none. We watch on television this morning the traditional reading of the names of the dead from New York City, Pennsylvania's jet crash, and the D.C. Pentagon and the relatives who are reading them off, are still in mourning.  Forty percent of the people killed, did not have recoverable remains. I do understand why the generations before me said to  remember Pearl Harbor. We will always remember 9/11.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. While I did not watch any of the televised 9-11 memorials today, I will always remember as will Grenville who is a retired firefighter.

  2. I watch the Pentagon ceremony, it was proper and very touching, yes I will never forget and can identify with those who used to say that about Pearl Harbor.
