Sunday, September 3, 2017


The birds helped to plant a morning glory plant for me. They spread the seed last fall and now I have a volunteer pink morning glory in the garden at the old place.

I really don't collect old foundation brick but this one I had to keep.  It was from an older house out on my wife's family farm. It actually is a cast clay brick that is fired in a kiln unlike out concrete bricks of today. The house was torn down and the foundation was crumbling. The finding of these were a new thing for me at my old age.  I plant vine-like sedum in ceramic sewer tiles so I now have planted this sedum in the four squares of the old brick. The other curiosity for me is that I am thinking my 115 year old house was lifted in the 30's and a basement was put in under it with this same kind of brick.  I had never seen the interior of this kind of brick but do now know that it is the same.

We have the cheapest form of cable at our new house and it gives me the chance to see :The Hoarders' show and the "American Pickers" show. I don't consider my self a hoarder but when I keep discovering the stoneware pots that I have, I must have picked up ever piece that I have ever seen while living my last 40 years. Here is another one that was moved to the new house. I am thinking they filled them with vinegar and spices with cucumbers to make pickles. I guess I have read of the storing dried salted meat in them too.

As I keep over-discussing this topic I want to claim I really am not a hoarder.  Hoarders keep everything that they have ever touched and have a memory of it. I see now I am more of an antique store hoarder. If it could be sold in an antique store I really should have it, especially if it is free.  The two shows alone have helped me self evaluate it and I do toss more things that before while living in the new house.

The whole reason I was going to share this photo was to show the contrast of materials and life expectancy. The history of the two dollar watering can is one of short lived and cheap materials. I seemed to have my mom's watering cans and I had a couple two. When the get a crack in them they will be gone to the dump. The stoneware will have to be carried out of here by my kids or I will give it away to someone who appreciates the history of the item.

It was ironic and heart warming, the experience that I had last Friday at the old house.  I had never really met my newer neighbor up the street at the old place. We have waved to each other many times. I was mowing and he came walking down the sidewalk with a box of tomatoes and a big smile. He didn't know I had too many tomatoes but there was no way that I was going to refuse them.  He has two younger boys, a kindness towards dogs, and has taken in the neighborhood cat that we use to feed. I learned things about him and his living in Houston for a lot of years. He is such a nice man and he brought me tomatoes.  He would have been a good neighbor but we are now gone. And I am finding more people in which to share his tomatoes and mine too. Roy is actually allergic to cats but is feeding and caring for the neighborhood cat in his garage.  His boys love him. He said that he keeps a light bulb on near where he sleeps when it is cold to keep him comfortable

This hardy geranium lives on and on.  I have kept it in the house the past two or three winters and it still keeps going. It died down durning our very hot spell this summer and it has jumped back again.  I am thinking that I can keep it in my furnace room this winter and keep it alive for another summer.

It is a typical Sunday for us and it is predicted to be a pleasant day. I hope everyone is doing good out there and have a great day.  Thanks.......for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoy seeing the old foundation brick and the stoneware. We have a few "free" morning glories. We purchased "monkey grass" or liriope from an elderly lady in a nearby town and morning glories are now blooming among them. That is very kind of your new (old) neighbor to take care of the cat. Best wishes with the geranium over winter. John has a couple of plants that he plans to over winter in our basement. We woke to cooler temps today - a beautiful day. May the Lord bless you both this weekend.

  2. Your pink geraniums look beautiful!
    Great photos !!

  3. I have a hard time parting with good "stuff" too:)

  4. What a nice story, Larry, about the neighbor at the "old" house. How unfortunate that you two didn't meet earlier, but life is sometimes like that. Still now that you have met, you may well talk another time since you seem to be going back and forth between houses.
