Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day......

Sunday's sky looked like this.  It was a wispy kind of clouds with a lot of air currents blowing things everywhere.  This morning we had a beautiful orange sun that was effected by the Wyoming forest fire smoke.  It smells smokey out there and the sun is filtered today just like it was the day of the eclipse.  It is filtering it in a way though that it is effecting the color of things. It seems to be a yellowed light.

The newly planted daylily continues to perform putting out a couple of blooms each day. I did have this plant at the old place but his one seems to a good addition to the garden.

In appearance it does seem like the same thing but it is a new batch of picked tomatoes.  We keep picking and eating them.  We keep giving them away too. The yellow pear one was a great surprise to those who received them say they liked them better than the cherry tomatoes.

I spent the morning talking with a contractor to do some of the work in the house and on the outside too.  The message I received from him was that I should just sell it as is.  We won't do that but he did give me some good insight on how people buy old houses and really want to make the changes to improve them. I do think we will sit down and discuss the priorities we should consider and then what is  non essential work.

As I crossed the mile long bridge today I saw flocks of pelicans at the far end of the lake. It is swampy down there with lots of low sandy levels with water weeds.  I also saw one lone white swan over by the side of the bridge.  I don't believe they like being stranded on their own but it was all by itself. Our lake is so small compared to a Minnesota lake but it does attack some of the things that the big ones do.  The sea gulls are out and about now as they too are probably migrating south.

A day off is a good thing to have. It just that it feels like Saturday or maybe Sunday again, reworked.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A beautiful sky, and yes, I thought it felt like the pre-eclipse day also, an eerie silence.
    That's a huge lake Larry, looks so serene, and peaceful.
    Hope you are able to decide on your home repairs, without investing a fortune.

  2. My Dad grew some of those yellow pear tomatoes and they are really good! Thanks always for your comments Larry. Off topic> We are now giving Chance Glucosamine & Chondroitin and it seems to have helped. We give him the stuff for humans from Walmart . It says a person should take three a day, we give Chance one and he is doing better. The Vet we carve with suggested it as did my cousin. The Vet says it is impossible to overdose a dog on it because it is fish oil. We have to hide the caplet in meat or cheese to get chance to eat it :)
