Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Tuesday's Times........

Our Sunday afternoon skies looked like this. By Monday morning it was partially cloudy but the rain did start by Monday afternoon.

It was a downpour rain with water bouncing off of the deck and table. We did need more rain and we had almost forgotten what it was like to have a rainy day.

Our totals by my rain gage were larger than the weather people in Des Moines had said.  The plants really enjoyed all the water but the ones sitting out below, without drain holes, were flooded over and soggy.  I had to tip them all over today to drain them off.

Two and one half inches, plus, I would say was our total.  It rained and sprinkled through the night to get that total. There was not previous water in the beaker as I empty it when I check it. Most of the heavies rain was in the afternoon and while we were out at Walmart and Pizza Ranch.  I had a few showers after I had showered from working up at the old place.

Looking out the downstairs bedroom window you can see our grass has come back from being dormant.  I need to mow it but have left it to get tall, just because.  I think that I saved one time mowing by letting it grow up and when I mow it now, it will look level and even in height.

Check out the bucket with the pumpkins in it.  You can see the rain fell through the above deck and filled the bucket. Some old timers know what the bucket really is and its past function. I don't know if the neighbors are appalled but it works well for me in the garden to carry water and hold things.

On my Photo a Day blog today, you can see the location shots of where I took this photo.  I had crossed the Mile Long bridge and located the boat ramp road.  It didn't do me much good, as I still wasn't close to the flock of swans. This grainy shot is just for proof that they were there. I had only my wife's cell phone and I was in bright sun. The cell phone doesn't work well when the sun is so bright that you can't see the screen. When I returned from working at the old place, this flock and the one across Saylorville Lake was also completely gone.

Since I am home today and not working at the house, I was able to get many photos taken. I had run out of shots to share.  This photo is for my sons to see, down in the basement shop. I got the pegboard up with a lot of maneuvering and finally found hooks to use for the hanging of things.  I have not begun to get done as I think it will be a "arrange as I go" situation.  I have another one of these in the garage but it is a long walk to go to the garage from the basement.

I have duplicate of tools from all of my family members who are now gone.  The rock hammer is one that belonged to my dad years ago, and in a pinch you can hammer a nail with it when a real hammer is stuck in a drawer or not in sight. I really need to weed out some of my screw drivers.  There are a lot if difference in them but some of the older ones could be sent away to somewhere else. My wife's friend needs one pliers and two kinds of screwdrivers. I am always trying to put something together for her and she has no tools in her apartment.

I need to close this down for the day.  It is a bleak day this morning but will clear up this afternoon. The sound of a lawnmower  may be in the future. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Ah the old chamberpot...your neighbors are probably too young to know what they were:) I have one out in my garage, I was going to use it for a flowerpot and never did:)

  2. We had 8 inches of rain during Irma and we really got tired of being indoors. I like your pegboard. John is like you and has inherited tools from everyone who has gone on. We have 2 boys next door who are always "working on" cars, and they like John's shop!!!

  3. Your tools mean so much! Glad you have your Dad's rock hammer and other things. Lovely rains!!!

  4. Rain is very pleasant after a long dry spell.
