Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday Afternoon Posting......

The bradford pears are starting to react to the fall weather. I had one tree at the old place and really liked its red leaves. They are shiny and bright red into the winter season. I have the two in the f front of the house that were planted thirteen years ago when the place was built.  Everyone was required to plant at least two of them when they bought the property.  Now the locals have rebelled and most all of them have been taken down. One neighbor claimed his was having physical growth problems and the other southeast said he didn't like the leaves hanging on through the winter.  I am not taking them down and I can growl about their stark naked-looking front lawns.  I have been dully told by both that at a different time that they had negative feelings about mine.  I will be keeping them for a long time.

I have shared this cabinet on my blog a few years ago. It never got taken to any higher level with its finish.  It came from an old house that my dad had torn down.  The kitchen of the house was lined on two sides with these handmade paneled cupboards.  When I do work on it, I can show how neat it really is. My dad had hung it in his garage to hold stuff and special tools.  I know that it will become an antique toy and object cupboards. It has a set of shelves that are adjustable, hand made devices of wood to allow you to chose the height that you want them.  The fascination I have of this is that it was all made with hand saw and sweat.  Another part of that old house had paneling on one wall that looked just like the front cupboard. I am thinking that was either the dining room or parlor.

I don't remember string the finished taboret that I built from left over shelving. It was particle board with laminate on it. I built it a little larger than a commercial one as I had the larger pieces of wood to design with. The shelves do slide in and out and the end piece will be good for holding drawing tablets or wet canvases. The thing is on rollers now and it was fun to build.  If I shared this before it has been a few months ago and I don't think I discussed it in detail like I did today.

I worked at the old house this morning.  I have a section of siding that did not weather well on the north side of the art gallery. I am replacing all of the bad pieces.  I keep getting distracted or interrupted by passer-bys. I lost 40 minutes today talking with a neighbor about things. I will have to go back tomorrow and finish that area.  I am hoping if I can stay on it all week that it will be done so I can hire a painting company to come in and freshen it up with a new color.  The north side is the only side that needs the siding to be repaired.

We are getting a good rain this afternoon which is really needed. I usually work half days as I am old now.  I would have gotten rained out if I had stayed beyond one o'clock today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Don't let anyone talk you into getting rid of your trees! I like your old cabinet and it will be fun to see what you do with it. Will the old house be a different color? :)
