Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday's a Go.........

We probably had a great sunset but this is all I could see. Living down the hill does limit the view at night.

The opening in the clouds does show that the sun is sending out a glow. We have been cloudy the last couple of days and this morning it is foggy.

I saw another iron stand like this at an antique store.  The owner said that it held a fuel tank which was then piped to a furnace.  I guess the fuel needed to be elevated so it could use gravity to send the oil into the furnace. It has been a form of a birdbath for me ever since I pulled it from my dad's garage but it does seem a little junky for the front yard.

We visited a different neighborhood in our town on Sunday that I really admired.  I won't move there but the whole development is full of great looking houses with mature trees. The street winds around with tall trees along the road and everyone has great landscaping. My neighborhood is young but the feelings of the majority seems to be have a minimal landscape.  My two neighbor's have mention in a subtle way that they didn't like my two trees next to the street. One even said that it hangs on its leaves too long in the fall. The neighborhood we visited will have lots of leaves to rake and it will look so great there this fall. I was please to see a young couple up the street planted large new trees in the front and backyard. Those trees will grow up to be large trees.  I may do the same thing.

I picked the pumpkins from my volunteer vines.  The vines were dead so I just cleared all of the vines from the garden.  It looks better now.  I can now see all the iris that I had brought from the old place.  They are growing well there but I do want to move them to a better location.  It was a temporary planting zone as I kept brings some down each time I visited the old place.

I may have to give in and buy one of those hundreds of pots of mums thats they have for sale at the grocery store. We normally don't do a fall decoration but the pumpkins may change the tradition. You can see one muskmelon out there on the ground. The last one that I picked tested bad so I should get that one opened up to see its destiny.  It would be nice if it were a good one.

I apologize to my blog friend Mildred that we didn't buy any of your Georgia peaches.  I bought California ones yesterday and we will wait to see if they ripen to be good peaches. The Georgia ones are gone.  I know I need to get these into a brown bag to help the ripening to happen. My wife said they remind her of making a peach pie, so I am glad that I bought them.

I finished assembling my set of stairs in the garage.  It makes the whole process of entering the kitchen so much easier. The steps are wider and deeper with each step being at the same height.  I did add another handrail support on the wall to help steady us in our walk up the stairs.  I will paint them and then will place a outside carpet material on the steps to finish them.  I am thinking that the original steps were pretty simple when the house was first built.  I am also thinking the version we had were made by our previous owner cobbling them to a better state.  I am hoping the ones I built will stand the test of time.

I keep picking ripe tomatoes but I think I will have to start picking green ones to be brought inside for ripening.  I have a lot of green large ones out there but they don't seem to be turning color at all. The yellow pear variety keeps producing those wonderful sweet snack tomatoes.

I am on my way to the old place today. Thanks for stopping by today. Everyone have a great day.