Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Middle Day of the Week......

I posted in my blog for a year or so a sansevieria plant that had grown into an over loaded pot of sansevieria plants. A few weeks ago I finally dumped it all out on the ground and started breaking all the individual plants into pieces.  I replanted these two in some antique painted pots.  I remember when they use to sell them like this. I don't know how I inherited them but I have a few of them.

I picked a few sprigs of lavender and placed them on the top step of my new stairs in the garage. I share pictures of the stairs even though they really aren't that special.  But I have family members who check out the blog and I want them to see what they look like now. Our boys helped move us into the house and they did have to maneuver up those old steps. The differing heights of the steps was the most frustrating of their design.

These steps are the way that they should have been built in the first place. The original step was narrow and shallow making it hard for both of us to carry things into the house from the car. When I look around the neighborhood I can see that construction companies have built steps for patios to the house that  consist of simple risers and two lengths of boards. I think the savings of money on the labor and materials is a shame when they charge so much for their houses,

I plan to put an outdoor carpet on the top of each step to make it softer to walk up and down them.

While outside, I found that the sedum from the old house is taking hold in the ceramic foundation block.  I will have to keep adding soil for a while until the column of dirt has settled. The whole garden area in that corner is really developing into a nice looking area. I have planted coneflowers there to add to the already growing plants.  You can see the lily of valley is creeping into that area too. The oxalis are in a pot.

My goal is to get that golden privet to grow big enough to cover the gas meter. It was a badly placed shrub at the old place so I dug it and brought it to the new place  That rock garden surface is something I have to deal with from the former owner. I removed as many rocks as possible and dumped top soil into the hole. The hosta plants that I planted in the same area are doing pretty good there but one hosta just isn't happy with the rocks.  I think that by next spring it will come alive and grow there.

We haven't been here for a half of a year yet so I just need to garden as I go to get it to be what I want it to be.  I still have my bulbs to get planted and I am not sure where they are going to be put.

Well I think I will shut down this "show and tell" for now.  I am dealing with a computer that doesn't want to download photos from the camera.  The program is reworking itself to make the iPhoto and photos program on the computer to more compatible. I have a sign that says "closing the library" running continually.  I looked it up and others with the same computer said it took 14 hours to get it to finally adjust itself.  I did find a way to ignore the photos application and I think that it was faster in the long run

I hope all are doing good out there.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow good job on the steps!! You have been busy, hope your hands are holding up! :)
