Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday's a Final Finish.......

Today is the day that I clear the zinnia patch.  It could be done a few days later but I am home today and they look more like a mess than a flower garden now.  I will try to get a before and after shot to show progress taking place with the winter preparations.  I did dig one more daylily yesterday and brought it home. It was in an area where I was working on the house eaves.  I looked down and saw it. It was one of my favorites and I decided to get the spade.

I did pick up some clippings from the city tree dump of the sedum.  Someone reminded me that they can be rooted so easily.  There was a large pile of it but I only  took three stems. I may put them in soil in a pot though and bring it inside for a while before I put it back outside. There is a pile of landscape timbers at that dump site where people place them there for burning. My wife was so surprised that I didn't just load up the truck and bring them to the new place. Our new lot is probably a fifth of the size of our old place so I can't just pick up things and pile them for storage. I have the majority of my old brick collection now in the garage waiting for me to make a brick path or stepping stones.

I am going to wait until these flowers go bad from the frost and freeze. I won't cut off blooms and throw them away but I will cut down dead blooms when they are through.

It is time to get the flu shot today.  We have many places where we can go but we will go to our large supermarket pharmacy.  I like to have space and privacy to get the shot and some locations have little spots next to the window. This one has private rooms off the pharmacy.
I always get the shot in my left arm but my left arm is messed up right now with very sore muscles.  I will just put it in the other arm. I do hope the person does know what they are doing. Sometimes we get some who really don't understand where the shot should go in the arm.

It was 34 degrees F. when I took Barney outside this morning.  The wind was strong making three layers not really warm enough.  I do remember now why I don't like winter so much. Barney, though, loves the cold.  He has been laying down in the grass to soak up the cold air.  It would be fine but I can't just leave him there and walk away to do something.

Time to conclude for another day.  I know that I need to take photos if I want to have fresh blogs.  I have lots of chores to do today around the house.  I can't work outside up at the old place. I should mow today but maybe will wait for tomorrow. It might be ten degrees warmer tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in today. Take care......


  1. Sweet picture of Barney. It's sad to see the flowers go - they give us such joy for many months. Glad you got some sedum stems to root. John and I got our flu shots a few weeks back. He did fine but my arm was so very sore for about a week.

  2. I see where the Upper Midwest and great Lakes
    braces for storms and snow. will this get you?
