Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday's Things......

The evening was beautiful with the clouds reflecting many different colors. This is in the front yard view and the whole panoramic view was covered with houses and trees. I had to find a view that gave you a good sample of what was there.

The back yard view was great too and the neighbors wonderful lone surviving tree. gets to be in the picture. Off the subject, but I wonder if both neighbors to this tree knew they were buying into all those leaves.

The front yard looks good with the mums in full bloom. They stay until a hard freeze turns them brown.

The photo reminds me of the two yards that need to be mowed. I have a major trim board to replace first on the old house and then it is back to mowing the yard at the old place. I have a silver maple that still holds onto its leaves until November.  My birch tree leaves blew away with all the strong wind. I guess I shared or should I blame it on the wind. I return to the house to work today because it is predicted to be snowing tomorrow.  It isn't abnormal for that kind of weather right now.  I remember one year when we had an freezing rain storm and branches fell a week before Halloween.

Thanks for stopping in to see my daily diary. I hope everyone is well.  Thanks again.   Tomorrow !!!


  1. It's always a treat to see delicately pastel hued skies like these!

  2. Pretty sky and I love the mums. Hard to imagine snow this time of the year. That is what is so interesting about blogging with folks from all over the country. Hope you both have a nice weekend.

  3. Your Mums are so pretty! Oh yes it is cold here too and a real damp cold :(
