Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday's Minutes for our Meeting......

I had a large variety of hardy geraniums in my collection. Those who have followed me for a while know that I had two reds, pinks and whites.  It got to be to big of a collection and I guess they are all gone.  The one peach one I still have from years past but this one is a new one as of this summer.  I can't let a hardy germanium die when it has a bloom like this, if I can find a container to put it in. Of the three that I bought new this spring I have rescued two of them planting them into galvanized buckets. I may move them to clay pots later.

 The rescued sedum from the town dump is doing well in water. I will try to put them into soil to get roots on them.  I really don't want to grow it inside all winter but maybe if it establishes in dirt I can put it back in the dark room to go dormant. One of my blogging friends reminded me that the dozens of cut sedum could be rerooted for use. I just took three stems of them.

I shared the cleared zinnia patch earlier in one of my blogs.  I had stuck cut flowers into water and yesterday I finally got them into vases.

The small vase worked well for keeping the short seemed flowers. The flowers themselves are pretty weathered and yet exhibit their original shape and color. I took it outside on the deck to photograph it as the light was bad inside. We bought this vase years ago because it reminded us of the plaza cafeteria in the Kansas City Art Museum.  They kept fresh flowers in that kind of vase on the tables where we would have lunch. The cafe area was actually an open two story room with Roman columns and Italian scroll work decorating the entire area. The large bowl fountain in the center of the tile floor was always running and the large glass ceiling skylight made it bright with natural light.  All we get is a replica of the vase for the memories of a wonderful place to visit. It is like getting a t-shirt to remind you of the beautiful state of Maine. The vase has been in hiding since we moved as we really don't know where we put everything but I found it last nigh.

These will last for a while but I fail to keep water in the vase.  I found the last batch had used up the water in less than two days and they of course just died.

I started off Sunday morning thinking that we didn't get the predicted freeze.  Apparently it had reached freezing in the night but by morning we were back up to above that.  I could see that my morning glory got hit hard with only a few stray survivors. I will spend time today to take out the rest of my raised bed of flowers and tomatoes now.

The old fashion marigold has survived but once I get started I think all of this will just go into the recycle sacks or the back of the truck. The former owner planted a lot of vegetables and I have screens that he placed around the outside of both garden areas.

I really didn't notice any creature was bothering any of the garden area but he as well as the next door neighbor seemed to be concerned about rabbits. I think that putting up barriers made them feel they had better control of any possible pest.  So I have sets of screens that lean against the fence in the far corner of the property that I may never use. I think tomatoes will be the only thing that I will ever take the time to grow.

I decided to stay at the new place today and catch up on work in the yard.  The wind chill is cold today and the old place seems to be something I can wait on until tomorrow.  I hope everyone will have a great Monday.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I love your wonderful variety of flowers.

  2. I always feel guilty discarding spent flowers after the season ends, but I have learned that years of overwintering them in the garage, or house is far too much mess. I hear you can store the Geraniums in a brown paper bag, and store them underneath the house, just so long as it doesn't freeze.
    An Old timey method.

  3. I love the containers filled with zinnias. So happy you were able to get some sedum cuttings. We've had several days of cold/wind and we're feeling stir crazy!
