Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday's Things.....

My sneaker was tapping as I walked. It felt funny that I would hear a sound from the tip of my toe. An old shingling nail was stuck in the front toe of my sneaker. The angle of it kept me from feeling it in my foot and I couldn't see it.  I took off the shoe and thought it had gum stuck to it. It was embedded in the rubber sole in the very front. I am sure it is leftover from when I had my house shingled.

Moving to the new home gave us opportunity to stick things in boxes willy nilly.  I was digging through a bag of winter things, gloves and stocking hats, and I heard a clanging sound.  The lost brass bell has been found in with the stocking hats.  I don't know why it was in there but I am glad to find it. Once I clean them with brass cleaner I will put all three of them back together to make my wind chime, made in India, like new again. The low light photo comes to you from and early morning shot under lamp light.

At a distance the photo looks like a tree line. It is the last of the peonies that grow in the front yard. I will be removing them today and clearing everything so the leaves will not collect there.  They won't necessarily go onto my neighbor's yard as much as they will just keep on going down the street. The north wind seems to come roaring down our street causing trash cans to be dumped and some people's mailbox doors are blown open.  One person's mail seems to land in my yard and I take it back to the box. What they need is a piece of duct tape to hold it shut.

I am taking the dead zinnia stems to the dump this morning. It was not hard to clear them but I didn't want to take away the dirt around the roots.  I had to really beat the root systems on the ground to get all soil loosened.

We had a large group of children at our door last night to ask for free candy.  We made a decision to do Trick or Treat festivities as being new to the neighborhood we wanted to be friendly. The kids really were nice and the numbers were higher than 50.  I was going to count but then it just got too busy.

The kids costumes are fun to see and we only had one older boy who had makeup making him look severely wounded. It was a very unpleasant night with the wind chills being very cold. We did close down early as the kids who started at 6:00 were about done an hour or so later. The youngest little girl crawled up our steps and the oldest one was probably in 6th grade. Some parents were dressed up too and others just came along to watch their kids.  Our front door is out of the wind so they came right up to the door to get out of the wind. Barney always loves Halloween and watched as closely as possible as they came to the door. He was exhausted from having all the visitors.

It is going to be a very cold day today. The wind is low but we are not going to be above freezing until this afternoon. It will be our coldest for sure.  I will work outside this afternoon with winter coat and hat to keep me warm.    Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So thankful that nail did not stick in your foot.
    Glad you found the bell, too.
    That's too bad about your weather being cold/windy for trick or treaters. You are fortunate that Barney enjoys the visitors. Theo would be trying to eat anyone coming to our door! lol
    We only have one child on our street for Halloween, the little girl next door.

  2. We're just starting the "what's in the box?" searches.
