Saturday, October 14, 2017

Photos for Today......

Zinnas do make great cut flowers.  I guess I spent more time watering them than considering bring in flowers.  They are close to being gone as the bottom leaves are failing and the stems are laying on the ground.

A discovery of a plant that didn't start to come up until a month ago. There is n nothing planted with it so it isn't that spectacular to see. Lamb's ears, I am thinking, is the name of the plant. I have never had them in my gardens before now.  I guess it was too dry there in that clay soil for it to start to grow.

My left hand is needy for a rest today so I will have to let this blog be a finished product.  It looks like rain for the whole day today.  Thanks for stopping by and take care.


  1. Do you save your flower head of the Zinnias? I did and planed them
    the next year, they are pulled apart and let dry over winter.
    I saved the best colors.

  2. Yes you have Lambs Ears and they spread fast, I have an area of them that I keep mowing down:)
