Friday, October 13, 2017

The Weekend is Coming......

Early morning and it is cool inside the house.  We had to run air the night before to cool it off for Barney. I left it on air, so now we are running the fireplace to heat the living room.  It seems to all work for now.  Cozy cup of coffee on a dull hazy day.

I planted it all yesterday. A pink rose bush, two or three parts of peony plants and I tried to move some hollyhock plants.  The hydrangea looks good there against a blank part of the back side of the house. We are cool and damp and we had just a sprinkle of rain this morning. As the fall season has set in, I really don't know that I will move anything more. It is the best time to do it but I can't take a sample of everything that I have at the old place.

I am trying to get the last of the outside world done now and I really have run out of time. I caulk and wood putty filled  some problem areas to help make sure everything is sealed in.  Now that there is a new furnace in the house and the north side of the house is sealed in well, the house should be warm in the winter.

Back at the new place I have this vine that I hate and I love.  It is nice to get vines to grow.  It just seems this vine is far too invasive.  I will have to cut it back this fall so it can start invading again. The railing looks this good as I have worked at pruning it all summer.

The vine and the floor thing that it does is kind of cute, but that too I have had to cut back often.  I would be curious to know if the former owner grew it to fill in the railings to make the deck more private.  I could see letting it take over but I do think it would take a half of a day to take it off in the fall. I did notice that the one fresh coat of deck paint put on for the sale of the house, is now fading away and was not a permanent cover.

Looking down on my backyard you can see my circle patterns made by the mower.  It gets boring to go back and forth so once in a while I circle the blue spruce for as far as I can before I go back to rigid up and down lines.

We have had a patch of sunshine show through at rare moments today.  It seems to be total fall now with out any sunshine.  I would like it to warm up some more now.

It is time to shut this show and move on now.  I hope all are well out there. My brother's house in California is safe in case you were wondering.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Coffee by the fire would be nice. We woke to fog/misty rain but the sun came out late this aft. We ventured out to 2 estate sales today. Bought a few small items - I was thrilled to find a set of Olive Wood Christmas bell ornaments for Karen, since her son is currently visiting Israel and may or may not be able to bring home a souvenir for her. I'm thankful your brother is safe.

  2. Good to hear your brothers house is ok. Those fires are awful :( I do the same thing with the mower round and round:)
