Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturated Saturday.....

The hydrangea at the old house seemed to be too tightly grown for me to get a start of it. While working on replacing a piece of siding, I noticed that there was an off spring on the back side of the two major bushes.

Yesterday, while at the house, I dug it up and brought it to the new place.  I know that they could get invasive so I will take my time deciding where to plant it. I also dug two different peonies that had been both of our grandmother's plants. A small pink rose was dug but the stock root looks good but the rest of it looks bad.  I will trim it up and see what happens.

The new place had seven red twig dogwood shrubs. I am very happy to have them lining the back of the property.  I am not going to be able to let them freely grow.  They are taller now than the back fence.  .  I don't want to loose these berries as the birds like them but I do have to make them smaller. I may decide to leave them tall all winter and cut them back in the spring. The branches turn such a nice red color over the winter.  Cardinals and bluejays are fans of these berries when they ripen.

One of our citizens of our town were so lucky to have a pelican land in their backyard. They thought it might have been injured. They called the DNR and they came to take it away.  They said it was just fine, that it might have been just tired.  They released it over on the lake.  My wildlife  is just like fake news, or should I say fake goose.

I had two of these monarchs in my backyard yesterday.  They seem to have missed the migration. They were all hyper and hard to photograph.  This one had a broken wing. I tossed a lot of bad, blurry shots but I did get some good ones.

It is a rainy day.  We needed rain for a long time, so I can not complain about it. The rains have caused my grass at both places to very tall.  I can't mow either one until it stops raining.  It makes for an all inside day today with it being misting or sprinkling continually. I will be glad to just take a day off and ignore the things that need to be done.  I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. Good Sunday Morning. We had a light, misting rain all day yesterday. I am happy you could transfer more plants to your new home. I bet the red twig dogwood shrubs are beautiful and how nice that they attract the birds. Wishing you both a pleasant day.

  2. I am hoping to put hydrangeas and peonies around the base of one of one of my trees. They are such beautiful old fashioned flowers! Nice post.
