Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sunday with Sunshine.....

Every single bloom from the morning glories is welcomed as the fall season settles in and the weather cools. There are not many buds left to bloom and the first frost may just shut it all down. The morning sun is bringing out new blooms today.

The sunflowers are doing their thing of making seeds while the stems bend from its weight. A couple of the plants have birds tearing into them scattering seed hulls on the ground. The leaning stems are not a pretty sight but I have had some good months of healthy looking plants. I will have to get out my reciprocating saw and cut the stems up to get rid of them. I am glad I have my brothers very long electric extension cord.

The next project has started.  I hung this old cabinet in my garage thinking that I would use it. Now that is setting on the work bench and is looking ready for storage of things, I changed my mind. Anything that goes in there will be temporary as I can see that I can clean and refinish this old cupboard while it sits right there.

The cupboard was removed from a kitchen in an old house that my dad was tearing down.  Because of the age of the house, all of the paneling and cupboards were hand sawn pieces. The adjustable shelving brackets are amazing to see and I will share more as time goes by. My dad had reused panels from the house in his summer porch. The cupboard ended up in his garage. When I closed down the parents home, I grabbed the thing from the wall with a little bit of difficulty. It sat in my garden shed for eight years at the old place and now it has a new home.  When it is refinished, it will hold antique items. Unfortunately the antique table/desk that would have worked well as its base, was sent to the landfill. By the time I do get it refurbished I can find an old table out there somewhere to become a part of it.

We are going to have a couple of warm day to use for outdoor work. I have two yards that need to be mowed and some last work on the exterior of our old house to finish up. It is welcomed that I won't have to bundle up to work outside.  Any good day that we can get in October are welcomed. I remember one year we had an ice storm in the third week of the month so every good day is appreciated.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You will have a bountiful supply of sunflower seed for your birds and next years planting.
    What a wonderful old piece full of history you have saved.
    Happy Sunday

  2. The cabinet is really a nice/unique piece and it will be fun to follow along as you work on this project. Glad you have some warmer temps to finish up outside chores

  3. How I love seeing those Heavenly Blue Morning Glories, year after year :)
    The cabinet is beautiful, it looks like Craftsmen design ?

  4. I agree with Mildred’s comment that the old caninet is a nice find and it should look great when you clean it up. Too bad that the old desk went to the landfill.
