Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday P.M.

While taking random shots in the truck sometimes the camera really isn't aimed at anything. One never knows what you will get when you shoot willy nilly.

The corn needs to be picked. They are working at it as you drive along on the highway. Beans did come out first.

The story that goes with this is on my Photo a Day blog. Lions, tigers and elephants, oh my!

The sunflower mess is now all gone except for the stumps still in the ground. I took out two more red twig dogwood bushes yesterday causing my truck to have a full load again of garden scrap materials.

The photo isn't so good but you can see that I cut back the red twig dogwoods bushes. I know that in the spring I will be rewarded with better looking shrubs. I have four more of these to take down to a shorter height.
When I was ready to come in from working outside, I thought I should check out the tomato harvest.  They picking is slim right now but I did have to use my one work glove as a container to bring it what I had picked.

It is a sunny but cool day today.  I wish everyone to have a great rest of the day. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Those shrubs will benefit from your good pruning! Tomatoes too you are lucky! :)
