Monday, October 23, 2017

Good Morning Monday......

The distant tree that has its dead limb is loosing its leaves. Soon the dead limb will just blend in and we will see the sun coming up behind the tree.

A maple leaf that I picked up from the old place.  It seems to be less red this year.  We had plenty of rain so the leaf should be more red. My silver maple hasn't drop very many leaves yet but probably will these next couple of weeks.

The planter of vines is still shooting out flowers. It was cold and windy yesterday and I was so surprised to see the blooms. When we get a good hard freeze I will be able to take the planter off of the deck and put it in the garage.

This is our morning view.  The earth keeps tilting back, shortening our daylight and lessening our warmth.  It definitely feels more like winter this morning than pleasant fall weather. The older I become the more I understand why people head south for the winter rather than go through the shock of the cold one more time in our lives.

I am headed to the old place again this morning and will see if the pelicans have headed south.  The batch on the lake right now have had a good amount of time filling their bellies with fish so they can take the next flight further south. They are headed for the gulf to bask in the sun. I am traveling north today but it is suppose to be one last warmer day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad your weather will be warm today. John has been "south" so long that I don't think he could tolerate cold weather again!
    We have had all night and all morning rain.
    You two have a nice week.

  2. Can't believe you still have morning glories! I'm thinking about planting some next year along side my Cardinal Creeper vine. I'm sure the hummingbird will enjoy both of them.

  3. So nice to see your Morning Glories. I am sending cold north wind your way :(
