Sunday, October 1, 2017


It is a war zone out there with birds attacking the seeds.  The weight of the seeds are making them all bow down. The metal posts are keeping them from falling on the ground The leaning in different directions making it appear like a sculpture in an art museum.

While watering tomatoes and herbs the purple basil really needed to be photograph.

The dozens of painted lady butterflies are such a great addition to the garden. They have been around all summer.

The harvest continues.  If you lived closer I would pack you a gallon plastic bag and hand them to you. I always put in a few yellow pear tomatoes causing everyone to later exclaim that they are so good to eat. Better tasting than cherry tomatoes to sone if my friends.

I will plant tomatoes early next spring but have planted some like these a month late seems to give us tomatoes a lot longer than most people growing them. It will be nice to take my time an plant them while not living in a panic.

More yellow pear tomatoes are to come to the table in the future.

Sunday morning was rainy and the colors in the sunrise were around for such a short period of time.
We are home from church now and are really to rest for the rest of the day. I hope everyone will have a good rest of the weekend.


  1. Your purple basil is such a wonderful color. I bet it tastes good with your tomatoes.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. I hope you have enjoyed an afternoon of relaxation. That sky shot is so pretty. You continue to make me hungry for a tomato sandwich. lol

  3. When I see your tomatoes,it makes me think
    I should try something different next year.

  4. Those yellow pear tomatoes are the best for flavor! :)
