Monday, October 2, 2017


For all it is worth, I did finally get some blooms on the struggling vine. It takes it time to bloom once every couple of days. The next time I plant seed and if it does not germinate within the same month I plant it, I will just toss the soil and find something else to plant in it.

Fall skies seem to be doing different formations as the cold air keeps rushing in to change the season.

We had the rumblings of rain and thunder this morning.  It really didn't rain much here but the old place where I wanted to go to work was getting a downpour. We are becoming green now again and it is good to have the moisture wile going into the fall season.
The red maple is starting to drop leaves around it.s base but to the most part it is still very green. There is a deep red to the color so when they die and drop they look black.

Peach cobbler is always good to eat with cream, ice cream or just plain. It was made with our California peaches and cooked up great.

It reminds me of a skipper and its wings are translucent. Normally a skipper closes up its wings when it is eating so it can be another kind of butterfly.

A lot of the marigolds are spent now. I am not sure if it was probably the Japanese beetle bugs that killed them.  The colors of the living are so bright that the dead ones don't seem to show much.

It was raining up at the old house so I stayed home.  I bought more material to help me finish up the siding repairs and some primer to clean up some flaking.  It takes me forever to go buy things at the building store.  I walk all over and I am checking on things that will be a future purchase. I am looking at laminate flooring and deck paint.

I wish everyone well today.  Our world has taken another turn for the worse today.  I know things do settle down but things like what happened at the concert are not an easy one to hear.  I have lots of comments that I can make but blaming the shooter is the only place we can start.

Thank you for checking in today.


  1. What a stunning color on your Morning Glory !
    Lots of blooms still looking pretty in your garden, and that peach cobbler looks absolutely delicious :)

  2. Very difficult to hear and see film of what happened in Vegas. So very sad.
    Just like with your BLT's, this peach cobbler is making me hungry too.

    Our marigolds have done well this year. They were a gift from the little girl next door and she has enjoyed them too.

    God bless you both this evening. Thank you for your prayers for Ella.

  3. We're into apple crisp now. Peach season is over.
