Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday is a Go......

A clear, cool morning at 6:30.  Some minimal clouds but the day will be a nice warm one by noon. It feels good to be outside.

Barney gets us up early and it is sometimes still dark outside. The clouds this morning covered the moon but not venus. It is good to just sit and drink coffee and slowly wake up.

The picking is getting slim out there in the garden with only a few medium sized tomatoes left to ripen.  I trimmed up and cut back two of my eight red twig dogwoods yesterday afternoon.  It will take a while to get them all down.  I discovered that my former owners had tossed some medium sized yellow tomatoes among the bushes.  The seeds grew and there are tomatoes to eat. They are in the front and they were twisted around  inside of one of the shrubs. I was able to trim that shrub back and then just lay the vines of it onto the top of the shortened bush. The yellow round ones are twice the size of the pear shaped.  I ate one of them and they are equally good tasting as the pear-shaped ones are.

I am short on photos today so it just will have to be a three photo  blog.  I worked up at the house today and made it  home for a very late lunch.  Maybe I can warm up the camera later this afternoon and find some things to shoot. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We shouldn't be getting a freeze again for about a week...I'm hoping several of those tomatoes will ripen! :-) I've been getting up around 6:30 in the dark. I love the peacefulness of early morning.
