Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Windless Day.......

This is a zoomed, blurry shot of the neighbor's tree that is the next block over from us.  Our houses are not lined up with the street behind us,so we see through, between the backyard houses.  I took this in low light and the camera just couldn't register it.

Early this morning. with the sun shining on the red maple, it helped the camera pick up a good photo. That street is like our street as the houses are built on a hill with walkout basements. You can see their shed is down a below them. Their differences are that they all are two story houses where our street doesn't have so many two story houses. The name of that street is Prairie View.  My neighbor told me yesterday that when our houses were built in 2003 that the whole area was still a bean field.

I took down the sunflowers yesterday and it looks like a disaster zone.  I will haul away the stems and leaves today and take it all to the old place where I am allowed to burn it. I did get my mowing all done yesterday and the front garden's dead plants were removed. I am amazed as to how fast the grass is growing this time of the year. My neighbor mowed on Monday and his grass is now taller than mine by one day.  We set our mowers at the same height but being a day difference shows his grass an inch taller.

While on the balcony this morning I see this glory was squeezing out one more bloom. One of the three vines is dead now but this one must be still going.  My morning glories below the deck are still blooming but they are smaller in size now.
My wife found a magazine that I bought but didn't apparently read.  I don't often buy this kind of magazines but there must be something in there that is good to see and read for me to have bought it.  The magazine got buried under other things right after I bought it. I have a garden one that I also need to get into today.

I did a lot of work yesterday so I am moving slow today. We have two more good days of good weather before thunderstorms hit again. We have a painter lined up now for the old place. It will be nice to have it be done and I can quit working on the outside stuff. By the time it is painted the snow will probably to start to fall.

I take photos and then never get them posted. I picked these with out a container and had to stumble into the basement and find something to hold them.  The quality is getting to be less and blemishes are forming on them.  I will decide soon to pick all that is left and take down the vines. They may not ripen inside but it is always worth a try for that one last good homegrown tomato.

Our day looks to be a good one already and I will be glad.  I hope to be back tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I am envious of your pear tomatoes they are so good! Yeah for bring ready to paint at the old house. Yesterday was beautiful here, today it is windy:(

  2. Perfect time to have your home painted. I do hope you will share pictures when it is complete. Yes, you will miss the tomatoes. They have been pretty this year.
    John pulled up the moon flower vines....I was remembering when the very first one bloomed, how excited we were.
    You two sure live in a pretty neighborhood. I know it will be exciting in the spring to see how all of the transplants do.
    Wishing you both a good day. I like the looks of that magazine.

  3. Lovely color...and harvest! I still have my tomato plants out there, all withered and brown, but still heavy with green tomatoes. I keep covering them when we have an overnight freeze, and keep hoping I can still make a harvest!
