Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday's Things.......

This is the spot where white pelicans were sitting along the shoreline yesterday morning.  When my wife and I returned with cameras they were out and about and not here.  The sea gulls that are also migrating were settled in on the area. The two white bouys are markers to let the fishermen to know that is the line marks a designated fish and wildlife refuge.  One can take a boat beyond that point but they are not to fish north of there.

My camera picked up this distant shot as they were circling around the lake. I had seen them earlier along the shore while I was headed to work and they really did look like storks with the black markings on the tips of their wings. My wife's camera picked up a clear shot of the pelicans proving that they were that.

This edited shot shows more clearly the shape of the bird. We had seen different flocks of these the past two weeks as they flew over our city headed south. From my own thoughts that they will fly south east and head for the migration route along the Mississippi River.

I took another shot of our mile long bridge. You can see the traffic it on it in the late afternoon. The sun was bright and made a good blue on the water reflecting from the sky. I tried to find info as to the height of the bridge but it isn't available. I suppose it is because the lake height is fluctuated from year to year as the water can be held back into the northern part of the Des Moines River flooding out a state park, closing it down. I did find that it really is one tenth of a mile short of being a full mile long.

Finding the boat launch site is a new adventure for us. The road winds along an old cemetery and heads through tree lined gravel road.  We will be taking photos of the leaves this fall while driving the road.

It is a day to work around the house today. My chores around here will keep me busy and some time durning the day, it is suppose to rain. I hope all are well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. To day is a lovely cool fall day here. Trees are changing.
    Great photos glad you got out for a little trip.

  2. You live in a gorgeous place!!
    Always nice to watch your fantastic pics!!

  3. I've never seen Pelicans. They very rarely come this far east or north.

  4. Wonderful captures of these birds, Larry!

  5. capturing those pelicans against the sky is tough! Not to mention that they are usually so far away. Without the old Nikon, I can't capture them very well with the phone camera.

    Every time I see the white pelicans, I get all excited like a kid at Christmas. The only pelican I ever saw before was the brown pelican from Florida. I never knew there were different ones until we traveled west. ( first sighting in North Dakota) It's cool to see them every day now.

    Also.. The Bald Eagles are back! Take the above statement and repeat it for Eagles. ( Love those Eagles!)
