Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Middle of the Week.....

Another view of the mile long bridge that crosses Lake Saylorville.  The photo was lost on my wife's phone and I found it while checking on other pictures that I had taken with her cell phone camera. I crossed the bridge again today to work on the house.  I saw migrating storks on the shoreline.  We are going to return this afternoon and see if we can get some shots.

While I was out taking sky shots, I noticed three different blooms were out that morning. My blue morning glories are about done blooming as they have been at if for the past month or longer.

I did grab a photo of the tin can collection that I have.  These are three of them and the one with monkey is my favorite. It is a little bucket that held coconut.  I don't have the lid but I bet it was a metal one that popped on it tightly.  This kind of packaging was way back as plastic bags of coconut were even considered at the time.  I think plastic anything was out there.

My work to be done at the house was to patch and replace some bad siding boards on the north side of the house. The north must be where the snow seemed to stick, causing the siding to deteriorate. I don't have that problem on any other side of the house.  While working this morning, I noticed a section of hydrangea that was a sprout.  It was growing away from the main plant.  I had tried to dig some before but everything was so green, I couldn't really find a good place to get a start from the main bushes.  Today, I got a large start of hydrangea, the old fashion white ones, and I now need to decide where I want to plant it at the new house. Past blogger friends know that my original start of these bushes was one stick with roots from a house up the street.

The new plant of sedum at the new place is giving me blooms.  It is a small plant but I know they grow and multiply into larger plants.

I have two yards that need to be mowed.  I don't know when I will do either one.  I guess the one at the old place will be first as I haven't mown it for a long time. The leaves from the trees are falling up there and I will be mulching them up in the future.

We are having a nice fall day with some sun and a mild warm temperature. I hope we can keep that for a long time.  I don't like having to put a coat on in the morning to take out the dog, but I will just do it.  I appreciate your stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty pictures. I really like the monkey on the coconut can. This is the time of year when you are not really sure what type of clothes to put on first thing in the morning. Theo was groomed earlier in the week and now he shivers when we go out in the morn!
