Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday's Whatsup.......

The cows in Woodward are taking a break. They are three blocks south of the old place on the edge of town. Most all of the farm is gone but the owners have people graze their cattle on the area. I guess this was middle of the morning nap as they lay in the shade of the tree. There have been cattle there all the years that I have lived here. Now that I drive a truck, I am high enough up to get a good photo without getting out on the road

My neighbor and his father are on their second summer of working on the play house. The house was under construction when we bought the place during the winter. I am glad that they are finishing it as it just looks better.  I will know when he is done as the spare wood and equipment will be put away. There is a four year old girl living there and a younger sister that is just now walking.  There is a porch with a pergola along with a porch light on a pole.  The lab dog really likes the shed as he helps out while they work on the house. You can see him running around inside and his tail is wagging continually

The one last bloom of the clematis is enjoying the cool rainy weather. This is the last of three different times that the vine bloomed.

The whole patch of zinnias are about to be done for the season. Close shots still makes it look like they are doing well, but they are not.

It is suppose to warm up today. I have to go to the old place and do one other outside project on the siding of the house. I mowed yesterday leaving tracks all over the yard.  I just didn't have time for the whole yard to dry out. The troughs will be gone when I mow it next week. I didn't get all of the back yard done yesterday. I could have baled hay with the height that it was. I have a power driven push mower and I just walked slow with it to make it really chop it all up. A spare twenty minutes this afternoon will allow me to finish it.

My pet spider still lives in the zinnias.  It web is a little bit damage from all our rains.  We really needed the rain and four inches really made my grass, with fertilizer to green up.  I still need to get all my plants into the ground.  Somewhere out there next to the spider I will find places for them to grow.

The fires in California are really bad.  One of them is close to where my brother lives, near Disneyland. We are keeping an eye on all of it right now.  All that we know who live  in the south have survived the hurricanes, storms and flooding.  It has been a different summer with all the weather being severe the past month. My one niece is married to a Puerto Rican and he is down there right now trying to help out family. He is a doctor and took tubs full of medical supplies.  I think it seems to be too cold now for a lot of the severe things to happen anymore. I guess severe winter is not a good thing but we do know what to expect with normal winters.

As I regret that summer is gone, I hope that fall will be kind to us. I really will have to wear layers again today to keep warm while working outside. We were told it will warm up by the weekend and 70 degrees F. sounds really good. Thanks for checking in on me today. Have a good day.


  1. Your zinnias still look good. We finely got some cooler weather and
    a little rain.

  2. The cows look so contented! I love that pretty little playhouse! What a lucky child. Love your orb spider. It was interesting to hear about your Puerto Rican doctor son-in-law and how he is helping in the hurricane devastation. So wonderful! Hope your brother stays safe. We've really been watching all the fire news.

  3. Hope all is well with your brother in CA, Larry. I have watched the online news videos of the terrible devastation there. It seems like it's been one disaster after another affecting so many people.
