Thursday, October 12, 2017

It is Thursday......

The green grass caused by all the rains looks more like what we have in the spring. We haven't done much to this arrangement of growing flowers yet.  I do have four batches of bulbs planted now and I will start earlier in the spring to put in more showy annuals.  I took out all the free growing plants that  had been planted there by the previous owners. The were natural flowers but grew bigger than the roses and really didn't have flowers worth seeing. I saved one of those plants and put it in the backyard. I did add hosta plants in the rock areas at both ends and a yellow privet is started to cover the gas meter at the far end. We have not been here over six months so we really can make a change things as the years go on.

This small garden spot works right now.  I have a couple of hosts in here now too with tulips planted for spring. I am a big fan of mums but I do like other plants that put out flowers for a longer period of time. The mum foliage is just green and a powder puff shape. The former owners had a company come in and raise the height of the settling curved sidewalk.  It started settling again to a point that the curved sidewalk will probably get replaced some time next year.

It isn't a pretty sight but the area where I put fill dirt is now growing grass.  It won't look good until next spring.  I had added eleven bags of dirts in this sunken area in the front yard but this works. It could have had about four more bags but it will be so much better when the grass gets taller to the match the rest. It doesn't looks so much like a funeral grave site anymore.

There are more fresh blooms coming on the "knock out" roses. I need to pruned back for winter now and will try to get to it before snow starts to fall. I looked at my William Baffin rose at the old place yesterday and I just don't see any sprouts that I can get to dig.  I will just buy one on the internet. I am  not good with getting sticks of roses to root.

I worked on siding repair at the old house yesterday.  It was a triangular shaped part of the outside that needed to be replaced. It required me to go up and down a ladder a dozen times or more.  In my younger days, I would have taken the siding onto the roof and had my skill saw up there.  That won't work for me any more.  I was able to remove some pieces to figure out the angles of the individual pieces.  It went well and today I have to find things on flat surfaces at home to do.  I am so close to being done with the siding repair but one good working session is still needed.

I have lots of different things to do here at home today. Peonies and roses are going into the ground.  I have decided where to put the hydrangea shrub and it will be in the ground by the end of the day.  I have twenty minutes of mowing left to finish.  You can see the line in the sunflowers shot where I stopped mowing.  The grass is so lush, thick and green.  For Iowa, usually in the fall it has started to go dormant and is thin.  Farmers are getting the soybeans out of the fields now and I did see a cornfield that was picked.  It almost looked like it had been done with a chopper and the corn was not that great of a yield. The corn was such a bumper crop last year that farmers planted a lot more soybeans this year.

Enough with the farm report today.  We won't get up to 70 degrees F. again today, but it will be closer than yesterday. I will have to wear a couple of layers while working outside today.  I appreciate your stopping in today and I do hope everyone is doing good.  Ah yes, tomorrow.


  1. Your grass is very nice. Going up and down the ladder at your old house would make my knees and feet hurt. Hope you are not too sore today. It will be fun to see your bulbs come up at your new home next spring. Your roses are looking pretty. Our Lantana is just about finished for the season. We have enjoyed them at $1 a container!

  2. Good luck with your gardening efforts!

  3. You have been busy! That area that looked like a grave looks better now that grass is growing there! :)
