Sunday, November 5, 2017

Good Morning....

A Sunday morning shot revealing the hope that the sun is going to be rising. I am not sure if the bank of clouds will ever let the sun show through.  We are warmer again today and I bet that sun will be out later. The dog got us up his normal time, which is not related to what the changed clock says. As we go to bed at the changed time, maybe the dog will slowly adjust.

It is a blurry shot but the color is so great. The roses are not as plentiful but the ones that are blooming are looking good. When I do see the three rose bushes I am reminded that I should get the trimmed back within this next month.

My wife and I have been discussing getting a burning bush for our new place for a few months.  I just never saw any for sale where we shopped. A couple of days ago I noticed what this shrub is.  The gradual red leaves of course was the clue but the little red berries forming on it made me laugh. I explained to my wife that we didn't need to buy a burning bush as one is growing right out our front door. I think the previous owner had chopped the top out of it so I could  not really identify it. The former owner does have a plastic tube around its trunk which has to go. I don't need it to be girdled of because of that tube that was put around it when it was young. I do think a couple of red bushes in the back yard during the fall would be a great addition to our place.

A project that is in progress.  It is almost done.  I need to buy a different piece of wood on the bottom shelf that isn't a piece of scrap walnut. When I get the last piece I need , I will attach the three equal pieces for the bottom brace. The shelf is sitting on top of the table so you can see the hole in front where it belongs.  Everything will be painted white and the project will be done.  There are always a few stories that I can tell that comes with this cut down table but that will be at another time. I am showing it in black and white to make the design easier to understand as the woods are of different kinds making it look a little distracted in its future look.

It looks like a good day for us.  We seem to have warmed up to a better temperature.  We are wearing coats but the winter coat isn't necessary. We are off to our regular Sunday events and will be home for a rest afterwards.  I wish everyone to have a great Sunday. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. That table I impressive! Awesome work! Love that you got the burning bush you were hoping for! :-)

  2. We had Burning Bushes at the other house, and I expect we'll get some for here.

  3. That table looks like a very sturdy one, Larry. I'm not familiar with a burning bush plant but imagine that it must be very colorful in bloom.

  4. Good to see that you do have a Burning Bush! :)
