Monday, November 6, 2017

A New Week......

Monday morning starts off looking like this.  It is below freezing and the wind has yet to pick up for the day.  It does feel cold out there but it will be worse when the promised winds pick up making it feel way below freezing. Barney had us up on the old time, even though I stalled him for a half hour before I got up with him. I don't remember how long it takes for him to adjust but unfortunately I do remember he gets me  up before 6:00 for quite a while. It was a beautiful sky though after we had been up for a while.

I skimmed through a gardener's book on Saturday at the bookstore and I found someone who thinks like me somewhat.  He picks flowers for bouquets as often as he can and sometimes the dead bouquets just stay  in the house.  The diminished zinnias still have a beauty that I just can't toss out just yet.  The entire zinnia garden is now in the landfill but these do seem to be living on for now. His flower arrangements did stay for months though and some of them were not so great looking.

The sky view at the old place looked like this last Friday.  The silver maple has turned yellow now and the burning bushes are still turning.  These burning bushes are probably ten years older than the one that I have in the front yard of the new place. The ash tree to the right is almost through dropping its leaves and one lone branch of another silver maple is in the back. If it doesn't get too cold, I will have to mow up the leaves in another week. I could rake but I would rather mulch.

As I travel over the lake twice last week I did see various kinds of migrating small ducks.  I also saw one morning a lone pelican looking for fish. He seemed so peaceful compared to the freeze of a few dozen of them in the water.  The float effortlessly almost like a swan when the are on the water. On Friday I was glad to see a second pelican was on the lake with him.  I can't take pictures of them on the bridge looking down asI am not allowed to stop on the bridge.

Taking a day off to work around the house today.  I have my table project going and other things are in the works.  I did dig one more day lily last week and I need to sink it into the ground somewhere.  I have been putting some of them in the old vegetable garden as temporary planting until I can get this organized more next spring.  Keeping them alive is the goal for now.

Thanks for stopping in today and do take care.


  1. I buy cut flowers at the local supermarket very couple of weeks and have found that the sunflowers actually do not look too bad even when their peak bloom has ended. But then I do toss them and replace with new ones.

  2. Your cold weather has arrived. We are very warm for this time of year. Our pets will take several days to adjust to the time change, also. I like your zinia bouquet and that's a pretty view of the tree, sky and burning bushes. You will enjoy seeing these transplanted daylilies next spring.
