Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday without edits......

The table was called a turkey legged table when I saw it on Norm's PBS  wood furniture making show. It isn't on anymore but Norm couldn't figure out why they were called turkey legged.  The whole texture pattern created by the rings on the legs does resemble the texture of a turkey's leg.  The table probably originated with my wife's grandparents and we now want to rework it. The legs have metal sleeves on the feet with a glass ball in the bird claw.  It is just like the piano stool only they claws and brackets are much larger. The top that Norm Abrams made on his show was a round one and not a three leaf clover shape. The whole arrangement is an accident as I was putting out things to take up to the kitchen to put above the kitchen cupboards. These things were leftovers that I ended up not wanting to use.

While shooting pictures a couple of days ago, I revisited my storage shelves in the workroom. The ceramic flower pots all glare out at me and wonder why they are not being used in the main house. The long black cat up there on the top shelf is a new thing that I found in a box in the basement of the old house. I should photograph it some time to share. It is a planter I believe that is built into the back of the stretched black panther.

People do like fall but this is what I think of when fall arrives.  Things just die and I have to take away the dead plant material.  I still have mums to clear away. I may leave them for the snow to collect on and then again they may be just cut away.

I spent my morning at the Boone County Landfill.  It is always a strange experience where on goes to get rid of things.  Today I was dealing with tires.  To make the story short, I offered to take all the tires from the now sold farm and store them on my property.  There were a hundred tires on that farm that we recycle and the 21 of them I got were ones that were still on their rims.  Five or six years later they were still sitting out there, with a tarp over them.  I didn't get offers of help from the people that I was doing the favor in storing them and in getting rid of them. My wife said she would go and help me but that was nor really her job. Today I took the truck to the old place and loaded them all into the truck. The second tire that I picked up had water in inside of it and that went all up and down my left leg. The water was rusty and dirty and I was wet then the entire morning.

The landfill has many rules and if you don't have a tarp over your load, that it is an automatic 25 dollar charge. I ended up having to back the load up to a deck area and place them into the back of an old shipping truck.  Those donuts of rubber are now gone.  I ended up paying them one hundred dollars for the load, with fine,  and the pleasure of driving away knowing that I will probably never ever going there again.

Thanks for stopping in today. 


  1. I was a big Norm Abrams fan. I always enjoyed his projects. You and your wife have a real treasure in this table. It is lovely and it looks like you spent a lot of thought arranging things on top! My all black cat, Magic, reminds us of a panther! Yes, you'll have to share a close up of this planter some day.
    That was a lot of work and money for the tire "favor." Glad that is behind you now.
    There is a very long story about the man who formerly lived in this house. I want go into it but I will say that John has spent almost a year, cleaning up the woods around our old air conditioner, a soccer goal, just to name a few things!
    I can truly say that any time we have moved, we left the home in better shape than we found it. So many folks are not that way! lol
    I wish you both a nice weekend.

  2. What a lovely table, I love the cloverleaf top!

  3. Great collections! How annoying getting stuck with those tires! There are places that will recycle them for you, but they shouldn't have been left in your care so long!
