Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Middle of the Week.......

Wednesday morning seems to be a typical day but it does seem to be a lot warmer. The sun glows on the clouds from behind the row of houses.

Barney has lost a lot of his eyesight but once in a while he takes notice of the back window view. I guess he sees motion of things and does try to figure out what is out there.  I don't think it bothers him being on a second story window but I am sure whatever he thinks he is seeing is worth while for him.

These bells laid in the grass at the old place and were lost.  I found them while clearing grass from beside the steps.  One bell had come off earlier and was brought into the house. Whatever their adventures were, they have all three have been reunited, waiting for me to reconnect them and to polish them. I really like the sound of brass bells and will make that a winter project to restore the bunch.

One of our neighbors from the old place moved to our city a few months after we had done so.  She went into a retirement building away from living in her parents old house.  We got together today and were pleased of her set up.  She really has blended in to the environment and the people there. She knows everyone and that life style will be great for her.  She shared that she was homesick and yet knew that the move was a good one for her.  After she showed us all around the many wings of multistoried apartments we took her to a diner.  We all had tenderloins and fries with pop.  We caught up on a lot of things as we have both been really too busy to get together for a long time. We were pleased of her place that looks out over a large pond.  She has squeezed in the most valuables of her past and it is a cozy place.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Precious photo of Barney. Those bells will be a nice project this winter. How very nice to have visited with a former neighbor in her new place. It sounds like a good fit for her. I wish you both a pleasant evening.

  2. Barney looks like he is quite comfortable no matter what view he's enjoying. brass bells should make a nice sound and good they will be re-united. Downsizing can be tough and even though we get nostalgic for places we've formerly lived, relocating was a good thing as it apparently was for your former neighbor. Glad she is settling in and making friends and nice of you to keep in touch as well, Larry.
