Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday's Here.......

It is promised that we will warm up a bit today. The sun has surprised me as I can still see it if I stand at the far end of the deck. I will be anxious to see where it will be by December 21st. There are actually two vapor trails from Air Force Jets that are flying to the right.

This is a stark view now with most of the limbs trimmed back from the base of the red twigs. The fence is old but I don't really know how old. The house was built in 2003 but maybe the fence didn't go up then. I understand that a bean field was just to the edge of the property the. It is the only one side of fence that belongs to us as the neighbor to the southeast built a very elaborate fence to surround his entire back yard.

His fence is shown here along with his little forest of trees. My tree sort of blends with the two next door making it look better. My neighbor on the opposite side of our lot has not a single tree nor any fence. His neighbors built the wire fence and wood fence that borders his property.

Snow on these three trees will look good this winter.  I think I will plant a tree next to the spruce, maybe a flowering one to add a different variety of tree. There is evidence that a tree did grow next to the spruce and it has been removed. The stump really does not help me to know what kind that it was.

This tree is probably an oversized pussy willow. I like the green of it in the spring with leaves but the major structure of it really is not of a good sturdy tree. I had a lot of sucker limbs to trim away form it a couple of months ago.

I am home today, resting and healing from my adventure with the tires that I transported to the landfill. I knew that there wold be a backlash of aches and pains from the work, but is seems funny that it took two days for it to hit me. I have over done physically before and I do recover.  It just best to stay away from the old place for a while. Our weather is so nice and I could be mowing up locust leaves but that will be another day. I have plenty of passive, low intensity things that I will be doing.

 I hope all of you are well out there.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.


  1. Your sky is so blue in the first pic. I agree that the spruce and the other two trees will be so pretty covered in snow. I knew you would be sore after the tire episode. John has worked today removing old vinyl flooring from one bathroom. I know he will be sore too. There is always plenty to do when you own a home!

  2. I notuce those aches and pains hitting two days later too.
