Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday's Things.......

No, it isn't time to decorate for Christmas. I had to go to Menards today to buy one more shelving unit to put in my workshop and storage room.  We are not completely unpacked and I have a few boxes and plastic bins filled with things.  I needed to fill in a blank space with more vertical storage. So, I have been watching these particular ornaments that are on sale there at Menards. I never ever bought any as I would wait for the sale and they were gone in a day.  I saw them the other day on the shelf and today most all of them had been sold. I figure I have to buy now or never ever get them.

While digging through old toys and sorting through the last minute stuff that we moved down to the new place, I found lots of things.  The one son's high school diploma is still here.  I found old photos that my son had taken 25 years ago and I found a photo of mine showing my first Christmas tree.  It was covered with red Shiny Brite ornaments. That was 45 years ago and I really didn't remember it. I know know why I still  have a few red shiny brites  among my collection of ornaments.  I must have broken a few of the reds as I don't have more than eight of them now.

The piano stool has been put on hold now but I have it now glued up again making it a lot more sturdy.
The very bottom of the center wood piece shows the holes of the lathe that was used to make the basic shape of the piece. While working with this I realized that all the legs were made with the lathe but then the ribs had to have been carved to make the vertical stripes.

The wood is not a great wood as they used something soft enough to make the carving easier to do.  Right now is the whole thing will be painted white.

The old black vanish makes the whole thing pretty sad to see.  I am hoping this turns out better or even great. When I finish with the last of the reworking of the storage area then it will be painted.

It is cold outside as we were out buying groceries for our Thanksgiving meal on Friday.  The windchill are very cold and the temperatures are still dropping.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That old piece looks like a challenge to restore! I'm trying not to think of Christmas yet.

  2. That got me in the mood! Can't wait to decorate for Christmas! Your project is going to take some serious work, but I bet it turns out great!

  3. I have that set of ornaments! I love them and have a box of the retro ones for each of my grands:)
